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"I don't get it." Tye sighed, looking at Riley with a frown. Riley had the bee hive in the garden open and was telling him about the intricacies of beekeeping. Tye wasn't really that invested in the knowledge, but Riley had been so excited to tell him that he had to agree to it. "Why do they keep coming back to the hive? Why don't they find another one?"

"The ones that fly in and out are just worker bees." Riley explained, taking Tye's hand and leading him around the other side of the hive. "That big one there is the queen bee and they don't leave if she doesn't. And she stays in the hive because she has to lay eggs, she's not about to waste time and effort finding somewhere else."

"She's huge." Tye stared at the queen until she was lost in the mingle of bees.

"She has all the babies. Shes the only one that does." Riley told him.

"I get why you like it, its peaceful." Tye nodded, before whipping around as he heard a stick break and the sound of footsteps in the woods surrounding the property. "Are any of the others outside?" He asked, trying to bite back the fear that someone had been watching them.

Riley shook his head. "No." He closed the hive with practiced ease and grabbed Tye's hand. "Let's go inside." He was trying to keep his voice positive, but there was an urgent edge to it. Tye just nodded and followed him inside, not questioning where they were going.

Riley took them straight into Carter's office, barely knocking before entering. The man looking up from his laptop in confusion.

"Is everything alright my loves?"

"We heard what sounded like people in the woods." Riley explained, his grip on Tye's hand was tight.

"Are you both okay?" Carter turned to them, both nodded.

"So, whats going on?" Tye asked with a frown.

"Its private property love, anyone strange in the woods is concerning." Carter explained. "Artie and I will go and check it out."

"We'll stay inside for now." Riley decided, kissing Carter on the cheek before leaving the room, dragging Tye behind him.

Riley's room wasn't one he had entered before, it of course had the same foundation as all the bedrooms bar Carter's, but showed his love of nature and bees especially. There were quite a few books on bees and the environment on a small shelf above the ridiculously tidy desk. A whale plush lay on the bed, as did a large fluffy blanket, that put the duvet underneath it to shame. There was something cosy about the room, although Tye wasn't sure what it was.

"Are you okay?" Riley came to sit beside the younger on the bed. Tye nodded.

"A bit confused." He admitted. "Are you okay? Because you practically dragged me inside."

"Oh baby." Riley sighed, taking Tye's hands in his. The younger didn't pull away, only looked from their interlinked hands back to Riley's concerned face. "Tye, it's been two years since someone new came into the house, so chances are they were coming for you. I didn't want you to get hurt or... or taken away."

"Riley, I can handle my own, besides I don't know anyone who actually cares enough to try to find me, let alone be able to force me to do anything." Tye knew he was lying, he knew full well Tucker was able to overpower him, but he didn't know where he was, so he was safe. Wasn't he?

"I can't help but worry baby." Riley sighed, "I care about you too much."

Tye stared at him. "You, you do?" He knew they cared about him, they all showed it enough, but it still surprised him when they told him.

"Of course, oh baby you're so beautiful." Riley cupped Tye's cheek with his hand, before Tye could react Riley's lips were on his, and Tye didn't move away. He allowed Riley to control what they did, allowed him to explore his mouth with his tongue, barely noticing how the older was straddling him at that point. It felt like forever had passed when Tye pulled back for air. "Tye." Riley breathed, resting his forehead against the youngers, arms looped around his neck, Tye's own arms keeping him from falling flat on his back.

"Riley, why did you-?" Tye began, but Riley was kissing him again and all he could do was let him. No one had ever been like this with him before, no one had ever looked at him as though he was something special, no one had kissed him so gently without trying to use him. Tye jumped as Riley's cold hands slid under his shirt, exploring the imperfections of his body.

Riley knew what he was doing, he was experienced, that was clear. Tye just followed his lead as the older boy kept him firmly in his grasp, allowing him only seconds of air at a time.

Finally, Tye pulled away. "Riley-"

"I want you Tye." Riley said. "Baby I need you."

"But you're- I can't-" Tye sighed, pushing Riley off him and onto the bed. "No Riley we shouldn't have."

"What? Baby theres nothing stopping us." Riley told him. "Did you not enjoy that?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Do you like me?" Riley paused. "Like that?"

"I don't... I don't know okay, this is..." Tye shook his head. "I can't, I can't Riley I'm sorry."

"Tye! Come on talk to me, what's wrong?"

"I can't do this Riley, it's not... you're with..." Tye shook his head again, he was feeling incredibly overwhelmed and he didn't know what to do.

"Tye, please I can't explain my relationships right now, but us wouldn't effect any of that." Riley grabbed the younger boys hands, staring at him pleadingly.

"I'm sorry Riley, I... I can't do this." Tye wrenched his hands out of the older's and ran to his room, slamming the door. Riley stared after him, he felt hurt, indeed he did, but also he was worried about Tye. The boy never had a good reaction to praise and he wondered whether that had something to do with it.

Whatever it was, he hoped he hadn't messed things up.

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