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Tye awoke with a start, why was his bedroom door open, where was he and who the hell was staring at him. He let out a yell and kicked out at the person who was sat on the end of his bed.

"I probably deserve that." They laughed. "I'm Travis by the way."

Travis was taller than Tye, but only just. He seemed kind enough, he had a shaved head and hazel eyes. He pulled on a hat as Tye took in his appearance. "Sorry for scaring you, I came to wake you up for breakfast but I got distracted." Travis rubbed his neck awkwardly. "You're really pretty."

Tye scoffed and pulled his knees to his chest.

"So are you coming for breakfast?"

Tye shook his head.

"Please? Everyone really wants to meet you and you missed dinner last night." Travis tried again.

Tye shook his head.

"Come on, you don't have to eat, just come downstairs." Travis bargained.

Letting out a sigh and pulling his headphones off, Tye got up, Travis beamed at him. "That's the spirit."

Tye followed Travis silently, unlike the boys he'd met so far, Tye was extremely quiet. Travis was rambling on and on to him about something, but Tye wasn't really listening. He was biding his time, waiting until they stopped their watch of him so he could run.

Noah and Carter smiled at him when he entered the dining room, as did the rest of the boys.

"Good morning Tye, did you sleep well?" Carter asked with a wide smile. Tye just nodded and sat down where he had been ordered to. "Shall we introduce ourselves to Tye?"

"I'm Riley!" The boy sat on Tye's left announced. He was blonde with green eyes and seemed like a bundle of energy.

Next to Riley there was Noah, whom Tye had met the previous day, then Travis, who he had just met. Then Kit, who winked at him. He had red hair and blue eyes, and he seemed like a prankster. Alexis was next to him. He had green dyed hair, which Tye personally thought looked cool and big brown eyes. Then there was Artemis, who went by Artie. He was possibly the tallest, taller than Carter, and he was clearly muscular and flexed his muscles just to make sure Tye knew that. He also had brown eyes and brown hair, his hair was almost touching his chin. He explained that he was growing it out. Between Tye and Artie was Carter, who had been filling Tye's plate with a full english breakfast while the boy had been preoccupied with the others.

Tye looked down at his plate in dismay. He really didn't want to eat.

"As long as you eat half." Carter bargained, Tye thought for a moment and then nodded, gingerly picking up his knife and fork, cutting possibly the smallest piece of bacon and eating it absent-mindedly.

"So what are we doing today?" Noah asked.

"Tye needs a tour!" Riley told them as the boy in question slowly ate another small piece of bacon and half the egg.

"I want to do it!" All the boys said immediately.

"You can all give him a tour." Carter laughed as Tye pushed his plate away. "One more mouthful please love."

Tye shook his head.


Tye shook his head again.

"Tye please you haven't eaten enough." Carter said. He speared some more bacon onto the boys fork. "Just eat this bit for me."

Tye didn't move for a good minute before he slowly reached for the fork and ate the piece of bacon. "Well done my love, I know that was hard."

Tye didnt react, he was clutching his stomach. "Tye?"

And then he was running, out of the room and up the stairs to his bathroom, the only one he knew of. Carter found him dry heaving, having thrown up everything he had eaten. "Oh love I'm so sorry." He didnt touch the boy despite how desperately he wanted to cradle him in his arms. "Tye love, do you have an eating disorder?"

Tye just stared at him, before burying his head in his hands. "When was the last time you ate?" Still no answer.

"Is he okay?" All the boys appeared in the doorway.

"He just can't eat a lot. His body rejects it. He ate more than his limit just now." Carter explained to them.

"Are you feeling better now?" Riley asked gently. Tye shrugged, wrapping his arms around his knees.

"I made you a smoothie. It might be easier on your stomach." Alexis passed him the glass that was in his hand. "Its strawberry and blueberry."

"T-thank you." Tye whispered. Alexis grinned.

"Its no problem." He watched Tye take a sip of his smoothie, none of them leaving their new edition as he sat on the floor slowly drinking the smoothie.

"How do you feel love?" Carter asked. "Nod for better, shake your head for not so good." A nod. "How about you get ready and then the boys will take you on a tour?" Another nod. "Alright love, take as much time as you need."

The boys and Carter communed in Alexis' room. "Good thinking on your part Alex." Carter praised him, Alexis shrugged.

"He needed something in his system, and it seemed like a safe bet. I hoped his body would see it as a drink rather than food." Alexis replied.

"Poor baby." Riley pouted. "I wish he'd let us hug him."

"I'm just jealous that Al got him to speak before I did." Kit announced.

"Technically I'm the first one who got him to talk." Carter told them, just to put a spanner in the works. "How else do you think I knew his nickname."

"Was his momma really mean?" Riley asked.

"She didn't have any love for him at all." Carter sighed.

"He'll be a challenge." Artemis mused.

"But we can help him, can't we?" Noah asked them, they all nodded.

"Of course we can."

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