Forty Three

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"are you sure you don't want to come?" Tye asked as he fixed his hair. Kit came up behind him, arms around his waist and kissed him on the neck.

"No, have fun with your friends sweetheart." He replied. "I don't know what you four are going to get up to, but it's best I don't know."

Tye rolled his eyes and turned to face him, pressing a kiss to his lips. "We're just going clubbing."

"You're not eighteen until midnight." Kit reminded him.

"And Rory deals to the bouncer." Tye replied with a smile.

Kit scoffed. "If I didn't trust you I'd be terrified right now."

"If you didn't trust me we wouldn't be together." Tye reminded him. It was true, trust was the basis of the relationship, it had to be. It was so important especially in a relationship of eight like theirs.

"Fair point."

Tye laughed. "how do I look?"

"Like I'm worried someone is going to steal you." Kit replied. Tye rolled his eyes.

"Jealous?" He teased.

"Maybe I should remind you how good I make you feel so you don't look anywhere else." Kit hauled Tye up onto the cabinet the sink was on. His hand skimmed the waistband of his jeans as he hungrily kissed him.

Tye wrapped his arms around Kit's neck, pulling him in between his legs. "You're such a simp."

"A simp?" Kit laughed. He glanced up at Tye's redenned lips. "Baby you're breaking apart in my hands."

"Don't flatter yourself." Tye made to get down but Kit stopped him.

"How long till Jordan comes to pick you up?"

"Five minutes." Tye checked his phone.

"Oh we don't have time." Kit pouted. Tye snorted and patted his cheek. Jumping down from the counter.

"Don't flatter yourself." He repeated, sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend and headed out of his room, almost walking into Travis.

"Well someone looks nice." Travis joked, moving a lock of hair out of Tye's eyes. "Have fun tonight okay?"

"I will." Tye smiled.

"And when you come back, I've got a surprise for you." Travis kissed him on the forehead. A loud knock sounded at the front door.

"A surprise?" Tye smirked.

"Uh huh." Travis kissed him. "Go on, before he breaks down the front door."

"I know you're joking, but he might." Tye grinned and headed down the stairs before Jordan did indeed break down the front door.

"What took you so long?" Jordan demanded as he opened the door.

"I was busy you cock block!" Tye shot back as he headed to his car.

"No wonder you look so flustered." Jordan sniggered. Tye rolled his eyes.

"Shut up."

"What? No spare details for your best friend?" Jordan teased.

"I hate you."

"No you don't, you loooove me." Jordan sang elongating the 'o' like a cliche from a chick flick.

"If we met now we wouldn't be friends." Tye deadpanned, connecting his phone up to the cars speakers and choosing his favourite playlist.

"But we didn't, we met at five years old and haven't been apart since." Jordan smirked. Tye glared at him and turned the volume up. Blasting his best friend with LA Devotee.

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