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Tye was in hospital for three days. On the second day Noah and Kit decided they couldn't wait any longer, and even though Carter had told them all to wait to see Tye until he was home, they went to the hospital anyway.

Carter was asleep in the chair by the bed, and they simply crept around him to the other side of the bed. "Hey sweet boy." Kit whispered, stroking the soft skin of his lovers cheek. Tye had bruising up the other side of his face from where he hit his head. But he slowly opened his eyes to see Kit and Noah smiling at him.


"Hey baby." Noah couldn't stop smiling. He took Tye's hand in his. "How do you feel?"

"I missed you." Tye replied, he pushed himself into a sitting position, Kit immediately barrelling into his arms. "Kitty." He laughed, holding him with his free hand.

"Not letting go again baby." Kit murmured from where he was lying on Tye's legs, head buried into his chest.

"Okay." Tye laughed, kissing the top of Kit's head. "You're so silly."

"Oh baby," Noah lightly ran his hand down the bruising on the side of Tye's face. "Do you know when you get to go home?"

"Tomorrow I think." Tye replied, he sighed. "I just wanna go home."

"You will." Noah promised. "Soon."

"Looks like they missed you Tye." A woman laughed as she walked in, she was Tye's favourite nurse, Clara, and had dealt with Carter's boys before. "Christopher I need you to let go of him for a moment whilst I check him over."

"No." Kit mumbled unhappily, but he sat up and let go of Tye.

"Kit's short for Christopher?" Tye asked in amazement.

"What did you think it was short for?" Kit asked, watching warily as Clara shone a light in Tye's eye.

"I didn't." Tye blinked uncomfortably.

"I know it's uncomfortable but I have to check your concussion has gone." Clara said as Tye tried to move away from the light, but she had foreseen this and grabbed his chin.

"I told you it's gone." Tye grumbled.

"You know full well I have to check for myself." She sighed at him. "You're all clear."

"Thank you." Tye nodded, she smiled and shook her head at him.

"You should be clear to leave tomorrow."


"If you rest." She looked that them pointedly.

"I will." Tye nodded.

"Aww baby I can't wait for you to come home." Noah said as he climbed into the bed, pulling Tye against his chest, both laughing as Kit flopped on top of them. "Do you wanna watch a film?"

"Mmhmmm." Tye nodded, happily cuddling with his lovers. "Don't care which."

"I wanna watch the parent trap." Kit added.

"Alright Kitty." Noah smiled loading up the film on his phone.

Carter awoke to find the three curled up together. Although he was mad they'd disobeyed him, he couldn't stay mad at them, they looked adorable cuddled up the way they were.

Noah awoke not long after that, smiling at Carter when he saw him.

"Noah I told you to stay at home." He shook his head at his boyfriend.

"How can I stay away from him?" Noah asked as he shifted Tye in his arms, the boy didn't even stir. "You can't tell us that he's in the hospital and then not expect us to come and see him."

"The others managed it." Carter replied pointedly. "Noah he's fragile at the moment."

"I'm just holding him." Noah said. "Carter he's just been through some shit, we don't even know what they did to him, how do you expect me not to look after him? I love him!"

"Noah you've been very disobedient lately." Carter shook his head.

"So what? We almost lost Tye, I'm not doing that again." Noah replied, "he missed us too, he was so happy to see us, and to see him smile... Carter I can't live without his smile."

"I know love, neither can I, but when I tell you to do things, it's to protect you." Carter replied. "I didn't want seeing him like this to set you off love." 

"I'm not a kid Carter!"

"I'm not treating you like one love, I just want to keep you safe." Carter was doing well with staying calm, despite the clear anger ebbing from his boyfriend.

"From what?"

"Yourself my love, I can't keep watching you hurt yourself like this."

"I'm not doing anything!"

"Noah, can we talk about this outside?" Carter said, he could see his boyfriend losing control of his anger and he was scared for Kit and Tye, who were in his arms. "Please?"

"Fine, but I want to know what you mean." Noah gently unwound himself from the others and moved from the bed, making sure they were both comfortable. It was so gentle that Carter thought he might have been wrong about Noah, until he looked at him with pure malice in his eyes.

Carter said nothing until they reached the corridor, where Artemis was waiting for them. "He's spiralling again." He murmured to him. Artemis nodded.

"Noah will you come back with me?" He asked gently, trying to keep his voice sweet. "Please."


"Please Noah." Artemis kept Noah's focus on him, hoping that he could distract him long enough to get him home, where he couldn't hurt himself. They'd been working with Noah on these episodes, but he had been struggling a lot lately. "Please?"

"Are you hurt?"

"I just- I need you right now." Artemis replied. Noah nodded.

"Okay." Noah took Artemis' hand.

Carter let out a sigh of relief when they had gone. He felt selfish for forcing Noah to leave, but Noah had been spiraling since Tye disappeared and if he lost control he could hurt them or himself. Again.

Tye was still asleep when Carter entered the room, but Kit was awake, gently running his fingers through the younger hair as he scrolled through his phone.

"Hey love." Carter kissed his forehead before settling back into his chair.

"Where's Noah?"

"He's gone home." Carter replied, he didn't appreciate the pained look on Kit's face.

"Tell me you didn't get Artie to manipulate him."

"He was spiraling." Carter defended himself.

"He was fine, he had an episode when Tye disappeared, but he's been fine since." Kit shook his head. "You need to stop holding it against him."

"He could of seriously hurt Alex, you can't blame me for being cautious."

"But he didn't, how is he supposed to heal if you don't let him Carter?" Kit was glaring daggers at him. "He wouldn't hurt a fly, you know he wouldn't, it's you who makes him spiral Carter, not anything else. It's you."


"Everytime he has an episode it's always triggered by you." Kit paused. "When we get home, we're having a meeting. All of us."

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