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Tye awoke feeling safe, and this time he wasn't afraid of the feeling. He found himself engulfed in the warmth of Travis' arms and blearily raised his head from where it rested on the older boys chest.

Travis' room looked odd in the dark, the usual shapes shifting into grotesque unknown monsters. Tye hated how his imagination made everything into something that would hurt him.

The plus side of living with his mother had been that there had been little in his room to ignite his imagination in that way.

His imagination proved too much and he buried his head into Travis' chest again, the older boy shifted, his hand going to Tye's hair, running through it comfortingly. Tye screwed his eyes shut, trying to wipe the memories thinking of his mother had brought to the forefront of his mind.

"You okay?" Travis asked tiredly, he brought Tye closer to him, if that was even possible. Tye nodded. Travis smiled, burying his face in the youngers hair. "Hmm that's good." Travis was asleep in an instant, his hand not moving from Tye's hair.

Tye closed his eyes again, bring lulled by the soft sounds of Travis' breathing, feeling warm and safe in the older's arms.

He had never once dreamed he could feel that way.

It was raining the next day, and over breakfast Kit had suggested that they have a lazy day, watching movies and simply spending time with one another, and they had unanimously decided to do so.

It was Alexis' turn to choose the movie, and he chose Coraline to be their first film to watch. Tye revealed he had never seen it, which just made the older more determined that they had to watch it, as it was his favourite movie.

He sat on the couch with the others this time, instead of sitting on his own to watch the film. He wasn't sure what Coraline was about, but he remembered Riley saying it scared him, so when the boy moved to sit in his lap, all he did was wrap his arms around him. He rested his chin on the boys shoulder, watching the film in pure confusion. The whole thing was like a twisted, fevered nightmare and it was freaking him out.

When the beldem revealed itself Riley turned away from the screen and buried his head in Tye's shoulder. The taller boy just held him, his hand going to Riley's soft hair. It was so silky and he couldn't stop himself from running his fingers through it.

Artemis, who was sat beside them, grinned and pulled Tye into his side firmly, holding him and Riley tightly. Tye didn't pull away. He liked it, he felt safe it Artemis' arms.

"This is fucking weird." Tye mumbled. "Whoever made this was on acid."

"I can't argue with that." Artemis laughed. He was tracing circles into Tye's hip gently. Tye flinched as the beldem tried to grab Coraline with her gnarly fingers. Artemis held him tighter. "Have you ever watched horror movie?" Artemis asked, from what he knew the boy didn't watch many movies and as the house collectively were movie buffs, he wondered what movies the boy had already watched.

Tye shook his head. "No."

"Not even one?"


"You can't live your life without watching a horror film." Artemis said. "We'll have to watch one sometime."

"Yeah, sure. I'd um... I'd like to." Tye nodded. Artemis smiled happily and kissed his head, leaving his face buried in Tye's hair. Tye leaned into the touch, he couldn't help the light smile he got when Artemis kissed his head again.

"Its a date." Artemis nodded.

When the film was finished none of them moved, Carter had Kit in his arms and Travis and Noah were curled up in the corner of the couch. Alexis was sat beside Artemis, his head on his shoulder.

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