35. Free Fallin'

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I couldn't tell you how much time's gone by. Especially considering I fell asleep. Yes, I actually fell asleep. It was most likely from exhaustion. 

When I woke up, I was still in the same spot. There is no sign of Joker, and no sounds either. I felt so alone. The silence didn't last, though, because I heard a door screeching open right that second. Then I heard footsteps.

"Well, I'm a bit disappointed." He said, with a fake frown on his face.

"And why's that?" Feeling a sudden wave of confidence, I decided to just go for it cause why not? 

"Well, it seems you were right. No one cares about you after all." Well, was not expecting that. I'm guessing he's referring to the fact that no one's come for me yet.

"I thought at least one of the bat brats would come to save the day, but I guess not. I guess this means," he bent down, and instead of picking my chair up, he leveled his head with mine on the ground and gave me a really creepy smile, "I can do to you whatever I want." Oh crap.

Before I could even really react, I heard glass shattering to my left, however, I couldn't see due to the position I was currently in.

"Ah! so one of you decided to show up after all!" He yelled while dodging baterangs being thrown at him. Then I saw a figure jump in front of me. I recognized who it was instantly.

"Batgirl!" I couldn't be more relieved. I could already feel tears pricking my eyes. Someone actually came for me.

"Hey, Lucy! I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?" She turned her head so she was looking at me. I tried lifting my head so that way it was somewhat off of the ground.

"Ahh, how touching! None of the other 'batties' wanted to join in on the fun?" Joker asked while fake pouting.

"Oh trust me, Joker, you'll still have plenty of fun," Batgirl said while pulling out two devices from her belt. "Meet Tim's newest creations! Thing 1 and Thing 2!" Really. I am so going to make Tim change those names later.

The devices started stretching out different limbs from their bodies, as well as growing from their original tiny state. Once they were done transforming, they each were flying in the air and they each had a multitude of guns. They were each about half my size at this point.

"Oh, this looks like fun!" At Joker's words, the bots flew towards him.

Batgirl turned around to face me and lifted my chair up. She began untieing me.

"C'mon, everybody's waiting for you." She said while holding onto me and zip-lining out of the window she came through. "Hold on tight." She said, a little too late at this point because we were propelled in the air by the force of the zip line pulling us out of the warehouse. Batgirl then jumped on a higher building and ran towards the edge.

"Uhh, Batgirl?" She didn't say anything and continued running. "Babs!" I yelled as we got closer to the edge. I was already starting to slip, but I tightened my hold just in time. When Batgirl jumped off the building she deployed her bat cape which caused us to glide through the air with ease. I had my eyes shut during the initial take-off, however, when I noticed we weren't falling, I slowly opened them and looked at the cityscape of Gotham. 

"Pretty great right?" Babs asked noticing my amused look.

"I don't think I've ever seen Gotham at night. Not like this before."

"Well, I'm happy to be the first one to show it to you." She said. I then remembered that Thing 1 and Thing 2 were still back there fighting Joker. And I wondered if it was really okay to leave them.

Noticing my distressed look back the way we came, Babs said, "Don't worry. Tim programmed them to return to the Batcave when they reached a certain percentage level of damage."

"Oh, that's convenient," I said, not worrying about the bots anymore.

"Everyone was worried you know," Babs suddenly spoke. When I turned to look at her, I suddenly remembered I was injured and winced. I guess the rush of adrenaline has worn off because I was feeling everything at this point. "Lucy?" Babs asked when I didn't respond to her initial statement.

"Shit, this is hurting a lot more now than it did before," I said through my clenched teeth.

"Lucy! Hang on we're almost there!" Babs suddenly yelled noticing the state I was in.

I could feel myself slipping away, but I knew that if I did, I'd end up letting go of Babs and I didn't want to cause her more problems, so I tried to warn her before I succumbed to the darkness.

"Babs I think...I'm...gonna......." But it was too late, I felt my eyes roll to the back of my skull, and I could also feel myself falling. Free falling.

The last thing I heard was Babs screaming my name.


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora