6. Goodbye Lisa

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Warning: There is a little bit of blood and gore mentioned, so if you're sensitive to that, please don't read

Okay so it's 12:55 now. I know I'm supposed to meet Damian on the roof now but I'm getting nervous. I mean come on. He's like one of my favorite characters. You'd get nervous meeting your favorite fictional character too.

I contemplate using the stairs or the fire escape. Fire escape.

I finally reach the top to see Damian there waiting for me. He's in casual clothes like he said he would be. He had gorgeous jet black hair like his dad. He turned around to look at me.

"Are you going to come talk to me or are you going to keep gawking like an idiot?"

"Oh! Um, sorry! I'm coming!" I made my way onto the roof and as I did he took the sunglasses blocking his eyes off. He had the most beautiful sky blue eyes.

"Again with the staring." He said in an annoying voice.

"Sorry! It's just that you're handsome and cute at the same time and I've always wanted to meet you so I have a bad habit of staring at things that I like. Say, how old are you anyway?"

"12" Although he answered me quickly, I could see the tiniest bit of red tinging his ears. How cute!

"Well, you've met me and somehow know everything about me so I'll just get to the point at why I'm here. I need you to come have a talk with my father. His orders."

I just kind of stared at him for a while and then said, "No way! I'll get to meet the Batman!"

"On one condition. You cannot return here once you are done. My father has ordered that you stay under his supervision."

All my excitement suddenly washed away when I though about Lisa."But! What about Lisa? I can't just leave without notice! She'll be worried and I haven't repaid her yet for letting me stay at her apartment!"

"Whoever that is, just forget about her and worry about yourself. That way you won't get stabbed in the back."

"You make it sound like you haven't met her before."

"Because I haven't."

"How can you forget? She's the journalist who tried to interview you, but then you just completely disregarded her and went on your merry way."

"I can't seem to recall. All I can remember is you calling me a kid which I most definitely am not."

"Really? Because your height and your age seem to tell me otherwise."

"Height has relatively nothing to do with maturity and besides how much older could you possibly be?"

"15, thank you very much."

"3 physical years has nothing against the age of my mature mentality."

"Mature mentality my butt." I whispered under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear, but I guess he did because the next thing he says is, "What was that?"


"Alright well anyway, I'll come back later tonight, somewhere around 11:30. I'll talk to father about sending-ah- what was her name again?"


"Yes her, some money so she can move out of this rotten place. Will that make you feel better about leaving?"

"Ah, yes. Thank you!" I was kind of surprised. Feel better. Did he actually care how I felt? Nahhh! We barley even know each other. He's probably just doing it to make me agree to go.

"Well I'm off. Make sure you're ready when I come to pick you up."

As he just about to jump off the building, he turned around and said, "By the way, that was some pretty nice fighting the other night. Still not as good as me obviously, but you've got skill. I will give you that." Before I could say another word, he jumped off the building.

There he goes. I guess all I could do now is wait till Lisa gets home then break to her the news. And that's just what I did.

I ate a couple snacks and watched some movies. When Lisa came home she had some fried chicken with her. It tasted great. A couple hours after we ate the chicken, at the end of the third movie we've watched, she says, "Oh no! I forgot to pick up the mail in the box in the lobby. i knew I was forgetting something! I'll be right back Lucy." As she got up to leave I told her that I'd go and get it. She tried to insist that she get it, but I insisted myself.

"Please just let me do this for you. It's the least I can do."

"Alright then."

"Thanks! Be back in a sec!" Little did I know, that would be the last time I see Lisa alive again.

As I went down the stairs to the main floor, I passed a bunch of people. The elevator doesn't work so everyone uses the stairs to get to and from their apartment buildings. Some of the people looked nice, while others, not so nice. When I Finally got to the main hall, I accidentally bumped into this man with this black trench coat and a face that looked crooked." Watch it stupid girl!"

"Oh um sorry about that!" Geez I know it was my fault but he didn't have to be so rude about it.

I searched for Lisa's name on the old in need of re-painting mailboxes."Ah here it is!" After I reaching inside to grab what mail she had I heard someone say behind me, "So, you ready to go?"

"AAAHHHH!" I turned around to find that it was just Damian in his Robin costume. "Geez Dami-"

"Robin." He quickly corrected me as I forgot that his identity is supposed to be a secret.

"Yes, Robin. Gosh, you scared me half to death. What are you doing here anyways?"

"I'm here to pick you up."

"It can't be 11:30 already, can it?"

"Technically it's 11:26."

"Oh. I didn't know that much time has gone by already. By the way, why are you in the apartment lobby? I though we were supposed to meet on the roof?"

"Well, if you must know, I decided to come through the front door like a normal person and come straight to you. That's all there is too it."

"But, you're not a normal person."

"Are you ready to go or not?"

"Yeah just let me go give Lisa her mail and say goodbye."

"Be quick."

"Will do!" I headed back up the stairs. Since Lisa's apartment is only on the fourth floor, it isn't that bad to walk up the stairs. Unless you're handi-caped of course. But once I reached the short hall that Lisa's apartment was on a disgusting stench filled my nose.

"Ugh! What's that smell?" As I said this, I had my nose pinched and closed my eyes. When I finally opened them, I looked down the hall to see Lisa's apartment door slightly ajar with a trail of blood on the floor leading out of the apartment to the emergency stair case to the roof at the end of the hall. Lisa!

Dropping the mail, I sprinted down the hall towards the door. I slammed it open and all I could see was blood everywhere. I just stood there shocked. Then I heard a rustling noise and looked down. And what I saw will haunt me for the rest of my life. It was Lisa. But at the same time it wasn't. she was so mangled and bloody, that I couldn't hardly recognize her. Then I heard her whisper in a raspy, quiet voice, while reaching her hand out to me, "Help.....Me.....Please! That was the last thing she said before dropping her hand to the ground. I wanted to run to her. To see if she was still alive. But, I knew deep down, that she had drawn her last breath. That she died right in front of me. So instead, I just stood there in the doorway. Staring at the once cheerful and kind person, who seemed to good to stay in a place like this, her lifeless body resting on the ground, not 5 feet from where I'm standing.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz