17. Tim's anger

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By the time me and Damian got back to the picnic table and sat down, we could see Dick and Tim walking towards us in the distance. With four cones in hand? I thought I asked for a cup. Amidst my confusion, I didn't notice that Dick and Tim made it to the table until Dick started explaining why it took so long. Apparently the line was a lot longer than when we passed it on the way in here.

"So, we finally get to order only to figure out that the man was out of cups so we had to get a cone instead. Sorry Lucy." Dick handed me my chocolate ice cream with an apologetic look on his face.

"That's okay! I don't mind!" I said it non-nonchalantly, but internally I was thanking the Lord.

Man, Damian sticking up for me and getting a cone instead of a cup! Everything's just going right for me today! Well, except for that nose bleed. But still!

Tim handed Damian his ice cream without a word and sat next to him. Dick went on the other side of me and sat down.

"So, what'd you guys do while we were gone? And please don't tell me you just sat here without saying anything."

I spoke up since Damian just huffed and continued to eat his ice cream. "Of course not! I met this kid whose around Damian's age and his name's Ed! He's really nice!"

"That's great. Damian doesn't get out much during the day and you know how his personality is, so you can imagine that it's hard for him to make friends." The second Dick stopped talking, Damian gave him a death look.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't talk about me like I'm not here."

I chuckled a little bit at what he said.

"OH! That reminds me! I also got hit in the face with a soccer ball and-" Before I could say another word, Tim started bursting out laughing.

"OHMYGOD! You're such an idiot! Who gets hit in the face with a soccer ball and then talks about it like it's something good! HA!HA! Priceless!"

"Well that's because-" Again, before I could explain, I got interrupted.

"Takes one to know one." It was Damian. Wait. Was he sticking up for me? Again? In the same day?

"Excuse me?" Tim has now stopped laughing and turned his attention to Damian.

"You heard me. If you're confused on why I said it, then be quiet this one time so that your pea brain can understand."

Before Tim could retaliate, Damian continued talking.

"I said it because you're one to call her an idiot when you clearly have the mental capacity of a 4 year old child."

"Pfft." I couldn't help but laugh a little bit at that, because it was pretty funny.

"Shut up! And what do you know! Why do you care anyways?"

Damian didn't say anything and that's when Tim's eyes went wide as though he'd come to a realization.

"Wait a minute, don't tell me you actually trust her!" Now Tim was mad.

"I didn't say anything of the sorts." Damian said with as little care as he possibly could.

"Guys, don't do this. Especially here and now." Dick tried to calm the situation down, but I think he just made it worse.

"Ugh! I am so tired of you acting like a goody-too-shoes! Always acting nice and shit!" He turned his head to Damian.

"And I'm tired of you acting like you're better than everybody else, especially me. Just because you're blood related!" I guess it was my turn now since he turned his head so he was facing me.

"And you! It was already bad enough that Bruce was stressed about finding Jason. And then you come along and add to his problems! Ugh! You're such a pain in the ass! You think you're so innocent and sweet! Well guess what? I'm not easily tricked like these idiots! You're hiding something. And when I find out what, you're dead you stupid bitch!"

"Tim! I think you've said quite enough!"

"NO, Dick! You do not get to protect her this time! She's going to get us all killed! Just like she got that girl killed! She basically murdered her herself! If she wasn't so distracted! I mean, Robin was right there!" By this point, Tim was standing up with his ice cream on the ground and I stopped listening. My head was down, but my eyes were on Tim's ice cream on the ground.

I felt like I was on the verge of tears. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but....wait.....what if it was my fault? What if I really was the one who indirectly killed her?

Suddenly, Lisa's bloody image of her on the ground begging me to help her popped into my mind. That's when I let the tears fall out. I wasn't making any noise on the outside, but that's because I was too busy screaming on the inside.

I finally looked up and noticed Tim and Dick arguing. Damian just watched them, like the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do. He looked like a normal kid in that moment that day.

By the time my ears opened up, Tim looked like he was about to walk away.

"I'm done with this. I'll be in the car." And with that, he disappeared through the trees.

Dick sighed.

"Damian, can you go follow Tim and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid?"

Damian didn't say anything. He just looked at me for a split second and got up to follow Tim. Once he was out of site, Dick moved around the table to sit in front of me.

"Lucy, I want you to know that he didn't mean any of that. It's just, since Jason has come back, he feels left out. Like Bruce won't pay him any attention. And the fact that he hasn't been drinking his coffee. So, don't take any of this to heart, okay?"

I didn't say anything at first. But then I looked up at him with a smile and said,"You know what? I won't let him get to me! In fact, I'll try apologizing to him and try to get to know him a little better."

"You know, you shouldn't be apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I know, but I want to try something. Do you trust me?" I looked him straight in the eyes. That's when he did something weird.

He kind of scrunched up his face a little bit like he was thinking really hard. My eyes didn't leave his for a second. His face finally relaxed and he gave me a smile. I tilted my head in confusion.

"You know, I didn't completely trust you in the beginning. In fact, I still don't trust you." I drooped my head a little bit.

"Until now."

I lifted my head head up in surprise when I heard what he said.

"I'm said to be a pretty good judge of character, so, trust me, when I say that you have good character."

"Dick..." I felt like crying all over again. But for a different reason. A happy one.

"Now then, what do you say we head home? And no more crying. Alright?"

This whole time, I felt out of place. Like a circle shaped Cheerio instead of a heart shaped one. Or an M & M without the M. Misplaced. But, for the first time, right here, right now, I feel like a weight has lifted off my chest.


I was ready to go home.

This sounds like the end, but trust me it's not. We gotta while to go before we get to the end. But, I just wanted to say that when I was typing 'chuckled' it reminded me of this tiktok where a girl was just saying chuckled from the books twilight and it's so funny for some reason. But about this chapter. Tim, why are you being such a meany! You'll have to find out next chapter. See you next time!


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