16. A nose bleed and a bump

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After Damian's little comment, it was silent for a good 5 minutes. Longest 5 minutes of my life. Wait, no. Scratch that. The last 5 minutes of school are the longest minutes of my life. This is a close second.

"Geez, how much longer do you think they're gonna take?" I looked up at Damian from having my head down on the picnic table.

"You have no patience at all, do you?"

"No, not really."

He didn't say anything back and continued to stare at what he's been looking at this whole time. Curious, I turned my gaze to the victim of Damian's scrutinizing. What I saw kinda surprised me. It was a group of boys around Damian's age kicking a ball around. I looked back at Damian, wondering if he was really that lonely.

"If you want to go play with them, I don't mind." He looked over at me like he didn't expect me to notice his staring.

"That's not necessary." Now he has his eyes closed with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"What, are you embarrassed?"

"That's none of your business." I guess I can understand why he doesn't want to go play with them. He hasn't exactly had a normal childhood. So he doesn't really know the first thing about playing with boys his age. Not to mention, his physical and mental level is way above your average 12 year old boys.

"Look, I know it's kind of hard for you to actually make friends your age, but it's never going to happen if you don't at least try." He didn't say anything.

"Alright, how about I give you a little boost. I'll go over there and ask for you if you can play with them. How's that sound?"

"...." Nothing.

"I'll take your silence as a yes then." Without giving him a chance to respond, I got up and walked over to the boys who were kicking the ball.

I was getting closer to them and I was about to ask if Damian could play with them when-

"Excuse me ca-"WHAM!

I didn't even know what had happened at first. Then I noticed that my eyes were closed, so I decided to open them. It took my eyes a minute to adjust to the bright light. What I saw when they finally adjusted was the clear blue sky, with a couple of fluffy white clouds scattered about. Then a boys head came into view.

"Oh my God, are you okay? Your nose is bleeding." I finally realized that I must've got hit with the ball. Then I noticed the throbbing pain coming from my head. Reluctantly, I sat up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a nose bleed and a bump."

"Hey 4-eyes! You some sissy now! Going to help a stupid girl!" One of the boys that was playing with the ball yelled over at the boy that had asked if I was okay. He must've been the one that was sitting on the bench near them. I noticed him earlier when I was trying to find what Damian was staring at. He didn't respond to the other boy and just looked down in shame. It made me angry to see that, so I decided to say something.

"Hey! Leave him alone! He hasn't done anything to you!"

"Stay out of this you stupid whore."

"Excuse me! Say that again!" I was getting really angry now! How dare he make fun of a poor innocent kid, and then call me a whore when he doesn't even know me!

"Yes. Do say that again. I dare you." An all too familiar voice spoke from my left.

"Whoa! When did you get there?" It was Damian of course, but, how did he get there so silently all the way from the picnic table?

He turned his head towards me and was staring at my nose bleed. Is that guilt that I detect? Nah, can't be.

He turned his head back towards the boys. He was staring at the boys intently. The boys just scoffed and said,"Whatever", and walked away. I turned around to the boy in the glasses.

"Hey, are you okay?" He looked up at me and smiled. Oh. My heart.

"Yes, thank you. You're very kind. My name's Ed, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Lucy, and that grumpy faced grouch over there is Damian.It's nice to meet you too."

Before either of us could say anything else, I heard a women calling for Ed.

"That's my mom. I gotta go. Hopefully we'll see each other again sometime. Bye!" He got up and waved his hand.

"Bye!" I waved my hand back. "And thanks again!" I yelled after him.

"Don't mention it!" He yelled back.

Once he was out of site, I turned to Damian.

"Hey, Dami?"

"What?" Wow, I was expecting some kind of comment about the nickname.

"Thanks!" I gave him a smile.


"But, why did you come over here in the first place?"

Damian's POV

~10 minutes earlier~

Before I could say anything, she got up and walked away. Ugh, that idiot. I don't want, nor need any friends. Especially ones that can't keep up with my skill level.

I looked over to where she walked to and noticed her on the ground. Oh great. I guess I should go see what's happening.

By the time I got there. She had already gotten up and was shouting something at the boys.

"Stay out of this you stupid whore." I looked at the boy who said that and gave him a death glare. For some reason, I was angry that he called her that. Only I can insult her. Then I heard her say something back to him.

"Excuse me? Say that again!"

"Yes. Do say that again. I dare you." I tried my hardest to keep my voice steady, but it wavered a little do to the anger I was feeling. I looked up at her nose bleed with a pang of guilt. Those bastards!

I wasn't paying attention to what was happening next because of my racing thoughts. But when I was finally pulled back to reality, I noticed Lucy talking to the kid with the glasses. I couldn't hear what they were saying, not that I care anyways. The kid ran away after a while and Lucy came up to me.

"Hey, Dami?" Huh. Strange nickname. But surprisingly, it doesn't bother me.

"What?" She looked a little surprised that I didn't say anything about the nickname.

"Thanks!" She closed her eyes and gave the brightest smile. How can she smile like that with a stupid nose bleed and after being insulted.

"Whatever." I answered blandly, but deep down, I think I felt happy at her gratefulness.

"But, why did you come over here in the first place?"

"It looked like you had gotten into some trouble."

"AWWWW! You do care!"

"Shut up and quit worrying about me and more about yourself." I gestured down to her shirt where the blood coming from her nose stained a little bit of the top half right under her chin.

"Nooooo! And I really like this shirt too." I laughed a little at the fact she was more worried about about the shirt than her condition.


What an idiot.

Alright guys, 2 chapters in 1 day and first pov! Tell me what you guys think and as always thanks for reading!


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now