19. Me and Tim reconcile

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Alright. So, today came a lot faster than I thought it would. The day me and Tim are supposed to go to the coffee shop. To be completely honest I had forgotten. But he just had to remind me at breakfast.

"So, when do you want to leave?" I looked at him with a blank stare.

"Huh?" I tried to make it sound like I didn't completely forget.

"When do you want to leave and head to the coffee shop? I made sure not to drink any so we can grab some there." Crap. I totally forgot.

"Uhh, whenever you're ready I guess."

"Cool, let's meet at the front in 30. Sound good?"


Ugh. I literally hate every single outfit I've tried on so far. Not to sound like one of those girls, but all the outfits are either too Childish(if that's a word \-_-/) or to grown up. So I ended up with something similar to what I was wearing the other day when we went to the park. I guess I'm ready. I had about 2 minutes to spare so I decided to head down.

When I got down the stairs, I noticed Tim was already there.

"You know, you were almost late?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't patronize me."

He just shrugged my comment off and walked out the door with me on his heels.

"So are we driving or what? What are we doing here?"

"We're walking. It's actually not that far, but Bruce's long ass driveway makes it feel that way."


"You really don't like it when people swear huh?"

"My parents used to do it a lot when they argued and it got on my nerves."

"Oh." After that, he didn't say anything else. I guess he didn't think I would respond with a genuine answer. The walk to the shop was quiet. And long.

Geez, he wasn't kidding when he said Bruce's driveway makes it feel long. The coffee shop itself really wasn't that far from the end of his drive way.

We went inside and ordered coffees. I ordered a cold mocha latte. Tim just ordered regular hot coffee with a little bit of suger.

"Really? Not even creamer?"

"I've gotten used to the bitter taste and this way seems to be more effective."

"I see."

We found a table by the window to sit at. It was actually really nice. There weren't a lot of people inside either.

"So, you talked about your parents earlier, what do they do?"

"Well, basically they work for rich people. And they're gone most of the time so usually it's just me and my little brother."

"I've heard you mention your little brother before. Didn't you say Damian reminds you of him."

"Well my brother isn't that ruthless towards me, but him and Damian have the same personality."

"I see. What's his name?"

"Colby. Apparently, my mom really liked Colby cheese so she decided to name her son after it."

What Tim did next surprised me. He started laughing. It made me smile.

"In fact, she said that if she had twin boys, she would've named the other one Jack, like the cheese."

His laughter finally calmed down.

"Gosh, an interesting family you have there."

"Yeah, we're a bunch of weirdos."

I was debating whether or not I should mention what I'm about to say in front of him, since I haven't heard anything about her at all my whole stay here. But, ya gotta take risks sometimes, right?

"So, uhh, I have a question."


"What about Stephanie?" Tim stopped sipping on his coffee and just stared into space with a blank look.

"Uh, you don't have to answer if you don't want too, or if you don't know, I just haven't heard anything about her and-"

He cut me off with a deeper tone than his usual one.

"No. I'll tell you about her."

When he finally lifted his head, all I saw were blank eyes. Empty eyes, filled with nothingness. What have I got myself into now.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now