5. Hero's are cool

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Morning brought a bright sun, the birds singing and, tiredness. Ugh, I wish I could sleep forever. I was finally able to drag myself out of bed and put on the clothes I had on yesterday. I looked around for my phone when I realized that I didn't have it. I must've dropped it. This sucks.

When I walked into the living room, I smelled pancakes."Mmmm, pancakes."

"Yes, I just got through making them. I have to get going for work now, so help yourself. Oh and I'm running low on groceries, do you mind running by the store and picking some up?"

"Sure. It's the least I can do for you letting me stay here."

"Nonsense. You saved my life. I actually feel bad asking you to pick up my groceries. So, I'm going to take you shopping tomorrow for some new clothes."


"Nope. No buts. I'm taking you and that's that. Bye! See you later this evening!" And with that she ran out the door and slammed it behind her.

I scarfed down the pancakes and picked up the shopping list.




-Cereal (Frosted Flakes or Reese's Puffs)

-Meat(Anything that's cheap)

I laughed a little when it said 'anything cheap' next to the meat. I put my shoes on and made my way to the store. There were directions on the back, which I'm guessing Lisa drew for me. Although, I didn't really need them since I already had an idea of where it was. I mean, I have read the comics after all.

When I got to the store, it reminded me of yesterday, or the day before that? For some reason my whole sense of time is whack. Anyways, the store reminds me of when I got shot. I sighed as I walked in.

I grabbed most of the things on the list except the bread. The bread here was stale. So I skipped out on the bread and decided we could always buy it tomorrow on our way to the mall.

I was waiting in line to check out when I noticed the T.V. talking about something.

BIG NEWS. Batgirl was caught on camera last night defeating Riddler. Although we were only able to catch a glimpse before she disappeared into the night.

All I could think to myself was, Barbara Gordon. How cool would that be. To be a hero. I know it means putting your life on the line, but, it's better then sitting around wasting it.

"Hey! Are you gonna move up or not?"

I was suddenly pulled back to reality when I heard the voice of the big burly man at the checkout."Oh! Sorry!"

After I paid for the items, I walked back to Lisa's apartment. I felt exhausted even though I haven't really done anything. I waked in the door and placed everything in there respected areas and flopped down on the couch with some sweet tart ropes to chew on. I turned on the T.V. and time seemed to pass by slowly and before I knew it, it was already 12:30. I felt like I was forgetting something though.

Could it be an item I missed from Lisa's shopping list? No. What about something from last night? Wait. Then it hit me. I was supposed to meet Damian on the roof at 1:00! Good thing I remembered in time. I still have 30 minutes. I'll head up there 5 till.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now