28. I finally understand

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Not my art

Correction. He did in fact NOT just go somewhere else and leave me to wander the place. On the contrary, he stuck too me like glue. The whole time! Eventually, to break the ice, I decided to ask him something. Something about what he told me back when we went to that cafe. And I know that the setting and the time was a little insensitive for me to ask, but, I just needed to know.

"So, you never told me what really drove the mondo wedge between you and Stephanie? Can you tell me now?" He looked hesitant and almost angry for a minute. But then his face relaxed and he responded with an answer I didn't expect.

"Sure, let's go find a table to sit at. We'd look like idiots if we just stand here talking. Of course, that wouldn't affect you much considering you already are one."

"Hey! There's no need to be rude!" He led me to one of the tables in the food court section of the mall.

We sat down and for a while he didn't speak. I was beginning to think that he had changed his mind. But then, he spoke up.

"So, Stephanie, yeah. I guess I didn't really explain very well last time." I just looked at him with a I know face.

"Alright. So, about 2 years ago, there was a time span of around 4 months where Steph was off the grid. Completley."

I was a little confused. So I attempted to get him to elaborate before he continued. "You mean, almost like she disappeared off the face of the earth?"

"Preciously. Not just that. Even her friends seemed to have never even heard of her before. Friends that don't know she's a vigilante of course. Like the ones from her school."

"But wait, that's weird. How can someone disappear off the face of the earth, none of your friends that weren't superheroes remember you, but your friends that were did? That doesn't make any sense." This whole thing is not going in the direction that I thought it would. I thought she might've cheated or something. Not this.

"I even inquired about those friends too. Maybe they were some kind of superhero or villain, and were trying to hide something by pretending they forgot her. Or that she didn't exist in the first place. But they come from no such background whatsoever. I cannot fathom it. But that's not the part that I wanted to really tell you. Although it does make me curious. Stephanie reappeared after those 4 months."

"Wait, so she came back? But how come I've never seen her?"

"Because she didn't stay. She came at the time too say goodbye. For good. She even promised that she would never show her face around us, ever again. And so far, she's kept it. For none of us have seen or heard from her since. And it's been 2 years."

Wait, 2 years ago, they would've been around 14. That's really strange behavior for a 14 year old girl. I mean this families far from ordinary, but still.

"So, did she say goodbye to each and everyone of you?"

"No. Just me."


Tim's pov

I wonder if Steph's ever gonna come back? She's been gone for nearly 4 months already!

"Hey Tim. Come on. Lights put already. You gotta big day tomorrow. First day of school and all." Dick was patronizing me again. As always.

"Okay okay." As I got up from my desk to got to bed and turn the nightstand lamp off, I saw something move outside my window in the corner if my eye. I quickly grabbed the nearest weapon, which was a pen that secretly was like a stun gun. I approached the window carefully and pulled back the curtains and opened the window quickly.

"Who's there!?" I yelled. But nobody responded. Suddenly, the pen was kicked out of my hand as someone swung into my room from above, landing on top of me. Whoever it was, covered my mouth and stuck something sharp in my neck. I guess it was a needle because I suddenly felt paralyzed except for my eyes. The adrenaline in my body was going crazy telling me to move. Fight back. Run away. Anything. But I couldn't move. When the person finally removed their hand from my mouth, I found I couldn't speak either. But then, the stranger suddenly said something.

" I need you to stop." Wait, is that Steph's voice? What does she mean? stop what?

" I can see it in your eyes. Stop trying to find me. I decided to come and say goodbye in person once and for all. I felt I owed you that much." She was still sitting on top of me. Staring down at me with these cold, dark eyes that I've never seen before on her.

"Although it may not seem like it, I'm happy right now. With what I've been doing these past 4 months. And I wanna keep doing it. So I'm gonna leave. For good. Tim, I love you, I do, but, I just can't stay. Tell the others to stop looking too and that you think I'll be fine." She started to stand up, but I didn't want her to go yet. I still had so many questions. Why? Don't go!

As if she read my mind, she said, " I can't tell you why. But, I just want you to know that I'm never coming back. Ever. I promised myself this before I came here tonight. Goodbye Tim. Forever." Before she left I caught a glimpse of the sadness in her eyes for a split second, but it disappeared as fast as it had appeared. She turned around and jumped out of the window. She couldn't go yet. I still had so many questions.

^End flashback^

"As tears were streaming down my face, all I could do was scream wait in my head, as I lay there helplessly." As Tim finished his story, he raised his head to look at me and made a surprised expression.

"Whoa whoa! Are you okay? Hey, hey. Come on now, you're gonna make a scene." He just kept talking as I was sitting there crying like a baby. I wasn't really that loud, but it was definitely noticeable to those around our table. To them, it probably seemed like I just had the worst breakup of my life. But, I was crying for a whole different reason. This whole time, Tim's been a big jerk. I thought he was just a big meanie who didn't understand my situation. Maybe he still doesn't understand my situation, but I think I finally understand him.

I finally understand you Tim.

You were hurting inside and didn't know any other way to cope except to lash out at other people in anger. I finally get it.

"Thank you Tim! Thank you so muchhhh!" I said while ugly crying with snot coming out of my nose. He looked even more angry now that I've drawn more attention, so he grabbed some napkins and handed them to me.

"Here, hurry and take them. And wipe your snot off your face. You look ugly. And why are you even thanking me? All I did was tell you a story. Geez, you're so confusing." No Tim you've done something so much more. Something that I'm not willing to say out loud.

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