4. Threatened by 'Boy Wonder'

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Lisa and I were walking back to her apartment, when suddenly my stomach made a loud growl.
"Someone must be hungry. Don't worry, I have some pizza rolls at home I can warm in the oven."
" Wow! Really? Thank you! I didn't know that those even existed here."
" What was that?"
" Nothing!" I said that last part under my breath. If you're wondering why I'm heading towards her apartment, well, to make a long story short I told her I didn't have anywhere to go and she offered her place. Said she had an extra room from when her last roommate moved out.
" Ok, so, don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful to you for doing this for me, but, why offer to let me stay without any questions? You hardly know me."
" Dont need to."
" But, don't you wanna know where I came from? Why I'm by myself?"
" Like I said don't need to."
" But I could be a serial killer for all you know!"
" The only serial killers around here are joker, penguin, riddler and what not. Im pretty sure I can trust a kid who risked her life to save someone she doesn't even know in an unfamiliar place, to not kill me in my sleep."
" Good point." Gotta admit, it was a good point. But still. This lady seems too trusting

Once we got to Lisa's apartment, I went straight for the couch. I fell on top of it, letting all my weight just fall." Ugh! I'm bushed."
" Huh?" Lisa looked at me like I was crazy. I guess they don't use that expression here? Or maybe she just lives under a rock. I just looked at her and shook my head, indicating for her to forget it. She turned around and put her purse and coat on the coat rack. She went into the kitchen and started to fix the pizza rolls.

I looked around the room, taking in the, pretty spacious apartment. The kitchen was a nice size with a bar top facing the living room. The living room was pretty big as well, with a couch and two love seats facing the T.V. that was sitting on top of a tv stand in front of the windows. Behind the living room was the hallway that contains a closet and the front door we came through at the end of it. There was another hallway to the right when you walk in that contains a bedroom with a bath, another smaller, but still spacious bedroom, and a bathroom at the end of it. The fire escape was located outside the smaller bedroom window. That bedroom was the one I would be staying in. I got up off the couch and inspected the whole apartment. It was relatively nice for this part of town. The apartment building itself was located kind of in the middle of the bad part of town and the good part.

" Lucelle! The pizza rolls are ready!" Lisa called for me from the kitchen. I walked in and she had two bowls in her hand. Each one filled with pizza rolls. She handed me one and we both walked to the couch and turned on a Disney movie.

" By the way, you can call me Lucy. It's what most of my friends call me."

" Ok. Cool." The rest of the night went by like a blur. After the movie we said our good nights and went to our bedrooms to sleep. I laid down on my bed, but, the realization of my situation sunk in and I started to cry. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's really cool that I'm in the same world that Batman's in, but, what about my family? What about Colby?

I decided to head out to the roof on the fire escape. I got up there and it was kind of chilly. I checked the alarm clock before I got up here and it said that it's 2:13 am. So I still had time to sleep before the sun came up.

I sat up there, just listening to the sounds of the city. I was probably up there for about 30 minutes before I heard someone say, " Don't ever call be 'boy wonder' again." I jumped up and let out a yell. I looked beside me and I saw Robin. Or should I say Damian Wayne.

" Who are you? What are you doing here?"

" I don't know what you mean."

" You were acting like you didn't know who I was and everybody knows who Robin is."

This kid was kind of getting on my nerves. I didn't know why he was here or how he even found me.

" Well first of all, my name's Lucelle Godfrey, but you can just call me Lucy. And second, I actually do know who you are."

" What do you mean?"

" Come onnnn. Bruce Wayne's only biological kid, Damian Wayne. Mother's Talia Al Ghul. You're like the 5th Robin." He looked at me stunned. Then, he suddenly pounced on me with a knife to my throat and said, " Listen. Whoever you are, you better explain yourself right now! Or else I will kill you."

" Woah! Calm down. I'll tell you everything! But can you get off me first?" He hesitated, but eventually got off of me. " Thank you." Then I explained everything thing to him. How I got shot, to the pizza rolls. Don't know if he believed it, but, what else was I going to say.

" So, there you have it. Believe what you will from that story, but if there's one thing you absolutely can believe in is that I'm not some evil spy or whatever. I'm just a normal person." He looked like he was thinking on how to respond to what I just said. Then he said, " Meet me here tomorrow at 1:00. I'll be in my regular clothes. Oh and if you tell anybody who I am. I will kill you." That was all he said before he raced away. What a strange day. Well guess I'll see what Damian has to say tomorrow. Until then, I should really get some sleep. I went back to my room and fell into a deep sleep not long after I laid my head down.

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