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No! No! No!

Why would she jumped over a fucking building?! I ran towards the railing and watch as they fall faster, My heart was thumping on my chest, I bet Ryeon hadn't think twice before jumping in. As I was busy panicking someone appeared beside me, I turn my head and saw Mr. Lim. I grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Mr. Lim they were falling faster!"Mr. Lim peeked below. He then turned to me.

"Mr. Park… we should stop the time before they hit the ground…"Ryunggu suggested, I nod my head and turned to my side, I flicked my finger and everything stopped.
I looked at Mr. Lim and peeked beneath us, Everyone, everything, and the girl stopped except on Ryeon, she passed over the girl she was saving.

"The reaper isn't affected if the one who stopped the time is same as her… so she wasn't affected by the time stop… because she's a reaper…"Mr. Lim explained.

I felt my stomach flipped, she just closed her eyes, not knowing what to do next……


I was falling faster, the wind gushed on my face, my eyes was shut tight scared to look down…

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Mari was almost on the ground, when everything around us stopped including Mari she stopped mid air, while me on the other hand passed by her, she was crying while falling. I guess Mr. Lim was here and did this, i couldn't teleport, my mind became blank and empty, all I could do was flipped my body and I faced the night sky, my back facing the ground. Ready for the trenchant impact I closed my eyes once again, every second passed I can feel my body weakened.…when suddenly two pair of hand was inserted in the bottom of my knee and the other one under my shoulder.

And then the gush of wind that was in my back was gone, the two pair of strong arms just stayed. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, I was no longer falling, I fixated My vision in a mascular figure that was holding me……

"Ms. Koo?…… Are you okay?"The heaviness of his voice was somehow familiar to me.
"Ms. Koo…"My blurry vision became clearer.

"Hae-Soo-si… what--"I was cut off when someone started shouting at our directions.

"Ryeon-ah!…."Joonggil's raspy voice shut me up. Hae-Soo slowly placed me down, and at the same time joonggil joined us. He took one look at me and then glanced hand that was rested in my waist, I immediately took a step away from him, before things could heated up between them....
"Are you okay?…… Why didn't you teleport?"Joonggil bombarded me with questions.

" I'm fine…… My mind just went blank there…. "I turn my attention at Hae-Soo,
"… How did you find me?"I asked, he smiled at me.

"I was walking in the street after collecting a soul… when I felt the time stopped and everyone freeze and I saw two body falling on the 6th floor building ……but one stopped while the other one kept on falling… and that's when I realized that it was you when I saw your pink hair…"He detailed perfectly earning a soft scoff from me.

"So you will only saved someone if it was pinked haired and looked like Ms Koo?"Joonggil interrupted sarcastically...… I glared at him in  disbelief ....
"You may go now…"joonggil stated  with a grumble.."Since your work is done… you should head home now…"I glared at him even more irritation.

Hae-Soo smiled and bowed,"Yes sir… ma'am…"He turned to me with the same smile on his face."I will head first…"He said before disappearing.

I turn my gaze at joonggil and saw asphyxiation on his gaze at me, he turn around and left. What was that?!