{8}"DEJA VU?"

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8:09 A.M

Ryeon stared at the ceiling in her office, hours had passed she just stayed like that nothing to do, her team was all on their assignments, leaving her staring blankly at ceiling.

Meanwhile Joonggil was summoned to the office of the  director. He faced the door of the director's room. He knocked three times.

"Come in!"She yelled.

As joonggil entered the room the director was in the couch sipping on her coffee.

"How was the mission?"She asked as joonggil sat down opposite her.

"Well tonight was a stretch so far...."He said while leaning his back in the soft couch.
"Ryeon... I mean Ms. Koo... will go on a dinner with Son-gui."He's voice became low as he talked.

"Why the long face?"She asked with a grin.

"Pardon?"He asked back.

"Your face became scrumpy when you mention the man."He lowered his head.
"I know you liked her......"He was startled at the sudden sentence.

"W-what.... Are.... Y-you talking... About?"He asked in a tremulant voice.

"Even when you never regain your memories.... You look at her with admiration, And when you know that you're married in your past life, I also know that your happy, relieved, delighted..."She stood up and went to looked at the window.


"Because once the feelings of the two lovers became solid than a rock, or even when their feelings are clearer than the water, the thread of fate will come back to where it connects..."She looked at joonggil.

"What do you mean?"He asked as he stood up.

"It means once the thread saw how much you will take for love, it will gave you a second chance. It will connect it to it's other half."She explained once more leaving joonggil in shock.

"R-Really?!" The director nodded.

Minutes passed with joonggil still taking the shock....

"Director."he called to her.


"Why did you assign us and the RM team to this case? I'm just so confused right now?"He stared.

"Because you will escort him directly to hell."Joonggil looked at her confused.
"He will die. Someone will kill him."She said firmly.


"None of your business."She said with a glare. "You're Dismissed."As joonggil was still puzzled he then snapped out of his thinking and bowed before going out oh her room.

As he walked in the hallway, still thinking of who will kill Son-gui, when he bumped into someone, He stared at the person with annoyed expression.

"Ryeon-si!"He was shock to see Ryeon with a blank face, she looked up at him and didn't even care, she continued her unabstracted stroll.

Joonggil followed her by his gaze, but she didn't even looked back once, as he was busy gazing at her he didn't even noticed that someone was behind him.

"You will dug a hole if you kept staring at her, Mr. Park."Joonggil turned around and was face by Mr. Oh leaning in his ears.

"Pardon?"Joonggil asked with a pinkish cheeks.

"Why are you suddenly looking at her with gooey eyes?"Mr. Oh asked, while joonggil stared at him and avoided his question.
"Aigoo, do you have a sudden admiration towards your foe?!"He yelled as joonggil stop dead in his tracks.