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"Me?… Following you?… Dream on!"Ryeon yelled as she walked away. Joonggil turned his head at the other direction and saw two boys riding a mountain bike, it was dashing towards Ryeon.

"Hey! Lady get out--"The young man yelled at Ryeon, the screeching of the tire trying to stop made Ryeon turned her body around and wide eyes.

"Hey!"She choked.

A pair of hands pulled her away from the sidewalk and into the dark alleyway, Ryeon  fell in his chest, he backed away as the youngsters passed.

Joonggil breath heavily while glaring at the kids, they stopped and dismount on their bikes, they ran towards the couple. Ryeon stood up straight and brushed her suit.

"Are you okay ma'am?"the boy inquired while his eyes was welling up.

Ryeon looked at them and smiled.

"Yes… don't cry..."she fretted in a soft voice.

They nodded and then looked at joonggil's scrunched face, they started to pouting seeing joonggil's distorted face. Ryeon looked at him and nudge his arm, Joonggil turn to gaze at her, Ryeon signaled him to 'don't gave them that look'.

Joonggil exhaled and forced a smile....

"H-he looks s-scary!"The two kids then proceeded to wail.

Ryeon's shocked expression made joonggil felt a bit of guilt, but most of all he dispise the wailing of kids. He rolled his eyes with annoyance.

"Don't cry--"Ryeon pleaded while stroking  their heads.

"Oh!shut up!"Joonggil's voice echoed through out the alley. Ryeon turned her head around and looked at joonggil in disbelief. The kids bawled even more, Ryeon kicked joonggil by the ankle, joonggil groaned as he held his ankle.

"Shush… who wants some… ice cream!"Ryeon probed trying to calm or even shut the kids.

The kids nodded their heads as they wiped their face that was streak with tears, Ryeon exhaled in relief she then took a stash of cash from her purse and handed to the kids, joonggil looked at her with 'what the heck' look as he grabbed the money off her grip.
Ryeon looked at him with raise brow.

"What--"She started, joonggil bisected the cash and took the other half, he handed the money to the kids.

"Thank you…"The kids chimed.

"Split it… go buy yourself some ice cream…"Joonggil stated with a sincere smile. Ryeon looked at him with a grin surprised by his warmness towards the children. As the other kid ran towards his bike the other one stayed and stared at the couple.

"May I ask… you something?"He asked hesitantly, the two nodded their head as they waited for his question.
"Do… you have kids?"He inquired.

Ryeon stared at him with wide eyes, meanwhile Joonggil couldn't hide his ear to ear grin.

"No…"Ryeon said shyly.

"Oh… are you two… married to each other?"He asked again while pointing at them.

"Yes.… But one of us left the other one…"Joonggil explained as he padded the boy in the shoulder.

Ryeon on the other hand was slightly uncomfortable about his answer.

I know that I left him and all when were married but he didn't need to say it when I'm around let alone Infront of a child.

"KWAN! Let's go!"The other boy shouted at the little boy. He waved goodbye at the couple and ran towards his friend and hopped on his bike. The two watched as the kids pedaled away until their silhouettes fully disappeared.