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APRIL 30, 2023

Two days had passed since that incident, I didn't see joonggil this passed days.
I couldn't care less, good riddance.
Now ryunggu went on and on about what happened to him last night.

"That woman was so arrogant, who is she to yell at me be-"He just won't stop.

I felt my head bursting into a million pieces,
"Just stop!"I yelled with a rough tone.

He stopped and bow down his head,
"Sorry ma'am, I got carried away."He apologized.

"Just stop talking. You still have work so go."I said in an annoyance voice.
He then excused himself out.
I pushed my weight on the chair and looked at the papers scattered around the table.

I sigh and started to pick up the papers one by one and stacking it.
I looked at my phone and saw red light was all over it, I look at the details.

Name:Han Go-ju
Occupation: Delivery Rider

"Hmmm?"I rest my chin in my knuckles as I read the info.

As I was done reading a knock interrupted me,"You may open it."I said not taking my eyes off the paper.
The door opened and the person entered.
"How may I help you?"I asked not bothering to looked up at the person.

"We had a meeting."The familiar voice said.

I look up and saw Park joonggil, I sigh, a sigh of anger. "Why it had to be you? You could've just let the messenger boy do his job!"I said with a glare.

"Why are you always so feisty?"He asked sitting in the chair opposite me.

"Feisty?!Don't you realize the tables been turn? You are always annoyed with me, and now I'm annoyed with you. could you just go back from being a bossy, rude, and cold leader, it's more easier that way. I felt like your suffocating me."I said with a raspy voice.

"I don't want to."

"Why?! You're just being a nuisance."

"I like to be your nuisance, and if you want my past manners back, let's continue what we left."He said with a smirk, I felt my blood boiled.

"That will never happened, not in a million years! So stop Bothering me!"I yelled.
I stood up and head to the door, as I reached the doorknob a hand grabbed it and twisted it,it left a slight gap.

"You go first."I said with an annoyed tone.

"No. Ladies first."He stated, I glared at him and scoffed.

And I remember I can teleport, "Fine."I said before disappearing.
I appeared in the middle of a frenzy, all of the leader was shouting at each other.

I looked around and saw the jade emperor (Director) trying to hold the two men that was about to fight.

I stood there not knowing what to do,
"STOP IT NOW!"A yell startled all the people in the room.

All the head turn towards the voice,
It was a man, a tall man with black hair and brown eyes.

"Oh! Your here!" The director yelled with a jubilant face.
"Now! Get to your chairs!"She continued with a stern face.

At that moment joonggil entered the room,
He looked at me as I settled in a chair,
He sat opposite me, and the guy who stopped the chaos, sat beside me.

"Okay, good afternoon leaders!"The director said with her brightest smile.

"Good afternoon, ma'am."We said in unison.