Chapter 40

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Sarah P.O.V

I woke up to children screaming. I quickly rushed out of bed and ran outside to see where the screaming was coming from and saw my daughter and my son fighting with each other over a piece of toy.

"Guys what's going on here." I asked looking at them both.

"Mommy, Layla stole my toy." my son, Pierre whined.

"Layla is this true?"

"Yes. I'm sorry mommy." she cried leaning onto my leg for support.

"Aw it's okay my love. Just learn to share with your little brother. He's too little to know what sharing is but you have to teach him since your older." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"How are my little babies doing today?" Kylian asked grabbing Layla in his arms.

Ever since I gave birth to Layla she was always Kylian's favorite. He loved Pierre equally as much as Layla but just because Layla was our only daughter she got a little more affection from her dad than Pierre did.

And of course me being a mother I had to give Pierre the same amount of treatment Layla got from Kylian to make sure he didn't feel left out.

"Okay kids go to your rooms now." I said ushering them off to their rooms upstairs.

"And how is mon amour doing today?" Kylian asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Good." I smiled looking at him.

~ 2 years earlier ~

Kylian and Sarah got married a year after they both had graduated from high school. They decided it was the right decision to make.

After all, Sarah was attending her dream university in Paris and Kylian was playing for the famous team in Paris by the name of PSG. It made sense that they would live together in Paris.

Sarah graduated early as a fashion designer and become well known around Paris. Her brand quickly spread and she became rich just as she always dreamed of.

She used to envy the kids at her old school and how much money they had. She loved her parents dearly and knew how hard they worked for Sarah to have a good life so she worked even harder at university to make sure her kid's had the best life.

Opposite of Kylian, who was already a multi-millionaire, she didn't want to ask him for money because that wasn't how she was raised. But he refused. He would always buy her expensive purses and cars. But Sarah felt in her heart that it wasn't right to live off on someone else's money.

And that's why she is where she's at right now. A self made millionaire who can confidently say that she buys her own expensive items and can be independent whenever she pleased.

But at the end of the day money never mattered to Sarah, in fact sometimes she would even tire of it. The most important thing to her was having a family and that's what she got.

She gave birth to a beautiful daughter and a son only a year later after her marriage with Kylian.

Her friend Bruna had a kid as well the same year as her and even got married to Neymar.

Gavi went off to play futbol in Barcelona where he become even closer with Pedri and fell in love with futbol all over again.

And as for Jude. Well Jude got signed to the best club as most say. Real Madrid.

No one expected it. Not even Kylian. And when Sarah found out she wasn't shocked because she knew how much talent Jude had. She wanted to wish him good luck but she thought he was better off without her interfering in his life again.

He even unfollowed her on Instagram which made her a little disheartened but she knew the reason why he couldn't follow her anymore since all she ever posted about was the family she now had.

She knew Jude and her never had the same thing she shared with Kylian.

But Jude was still someone very dear to her heart and she knows that she can never forget him. She will always care for him in some way if not romantically.

Because he was there for those times when Kylian wasn't.

And for that she was eternally grateful.

As for Natalie. Everyone heard her baby was Jude's but then that turned out to be a lie and the truth was that she had slept around so much, she ended up having a kid with one of the guys in the futbol team.

No one even knew who he was and no one cared to pay attention to that since they didn't have to deal with her anymore.

Especially Sarah, she didn't even care to keep up with what was going on with Natalie's life anymore.

Because was finally happy that she got her happy ending.


i hope u all enjoyed this series , i wanna thank everyone who always voted & commented or even viewed my story. it means a lot tht u even take the time to read my book. i hope u all loved this series as much as i did & as for the future i think i will take a break and come back wen i hav a new idea so for now goodbye🥰🥰🥰

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