Chapter 7

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Jude P.O.V

I hadn't spoken to Natalie in what felt like forever since I found out she cheated on me with Kylian.

I wanted to beat him up over it but I decided not to waste my energy over it.

This new school sucked and it wasn't even my second week.

Meeting Sarah seemed refreshing since she didn't seem like the rest of the stuck up kids but I had no idea she and Kylian had a thing.

Which discouraged me from pursuing her when Natalie told me about it ironically enough.

I'll admit I thought she was really cute and had an innocence about her that I admired since all the girls here were slutty.

But she didn't even come to me as a friend to tell me about Natalie which threw me off.

"Jude. Your going to be late hurry up." my mom yelled from downstairs.

I groaned and grabbed my cologne quickly spraying some and grabbed my school bag rushing down the stairs.

"Have you tried out for the futbol team yet Jude?" my mom asked starting the car.

"No. I haven't yet." I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"It'll be a good thing for you since I know how much you love futbol sweetie."

I decided it was best if I focused more on futbol than nonsense like dating.

My futbol career was more important than any girl.

And besdies my mom knew people from the league who said they would be willing to sign a deal with La Liga if I continued with the sport.

"I just have to focus on making these tryouts first." I thought while we pulled up to the school.

Kylian P.O.V

Today were futbol tryouts. Which meant everyone who thought they were worthy of being apart of the team came and showed their personal skills.

I already knew Jude was going to come and didn't know what to expect from him but I made sure to make it extra difficult just for him.

"Okay everyone. We are going to do 40 push-ups to warm up and then we'll begin the drills." I shouted blowing the whistle for them to begin.

"Only 40?" Jude scoffed halfway through.

"I don't mind making it 100 bellingham."

"Okay Okay." he grunted pushing through to 40 and collapsing on the floor to take deep breaths.

I went through the basic drills and made everyone do cone dribbling for ball control and defense.

And then cone dribbling for ball control and endurance.

"I will have the results posted tonight on my Instagram story you guys." I shouted.

I went home later and came back to my piece of paper where I wrote my top picks for the team and Jude was one of them.

I couldn't deny the fact that he had major talent and could possibly be better than the rest of the guys who came out to try.

So I made the decision to put him on the team along with Gavi, Leo, Ney, João, Richarlison, Ronaldo and Pedri.

They would be a great addition to Hillsborough's futbol team.

And we needed more people since a lot of our seniors graduated and got drafted for La Liga.

Sarah P.O.V

I was in the restroom fixing my makeup when I heard Natalie on the phone in the stall behind me.

"I-I checked. I did. I cant believe it's true." she sobbed to her friend.

What's true?

"I'm p-pregant Georgina."

I dropped my mascara that I was applying making a clink sound in the sink.

"I-Is someone there?" she shouted peeking out from the stall.

I quickly ran out of the restroom bumping into someone on the way.

"I'm so sorr-"

"Oh." I said looking up to find that the person I bumped into was Jude.

"Yeah. Oh." he retorted giving me the same attitude.

"Can you please drop it." I pleaded wanting everything to go back to normal especially after the weird news I just heard in the restroom.

"I did. Your just overreacting." he claimed.

"I-okay you know what. Never mind. Forget it." I groaned pushing past him and back to class.

"Wait Sarah." he called out.


"You still down to hang out sometime? Maybe tonight to celebrate me being on the team." he smirked.

"Sure I guess."

"Bet. I'll text you the details." he said before walking off.

Why is he so bipolar.

I told my mom I was going to Bruna's house to study and she happily agreed.

I rummaged through my closet trying to find a cute outfit to wear and found a white long sleeve top with a denim skirt.

I put a hoodie over it and wore sweatpants so my mom didn't stop me on the way out since she hated whenever I would wore revealing clothes.

I wonder what she would do if she found out I was going to Jude's.

I threw some perfume on and ran downstairs and into my car heading off to Jude's place.


"Wow. Your house is so beautiful." I exclaimed looking around the mansion.

"Thanks. It's my parents." he joked.

"Duh. But still it's so nice."

"My room is all the way on the other side of the house if you want to go?" he asked grabbing my hand.

"Whoa. What are you doing." I asked taken back by his gesture.

"Chill. I'm just messing with you." he laughed guiding me around the house.


"And lastly this is my room." he said opening the door to a cold room that immediately lit up all around when he turned on the switch.

It was like another house inside a room.

"Your room is huge." I gasped.

"Yeah thanks." he laughed scratching the back of his head.

He let the door close shut behind us and went to sit on the bed.

"Do you want to watch something ?"

"Um yeah sure." I replied.

We were halfway through watching Insidious when a really scary part came on and I shrieked covering my eyes.

"This isn't even scary." Jude laughed looking at me.

"Yes it is." I said rolling my eyes.

"You can come here then if your scared." he said patting down on the empty space next to him.

I scooted closer to him and he immediately put his arm around my waist letting it drop naturally down to my lower waist.

"Better?" he whispered looking down at my exposed skin.

I'm so glad I wore a crop top today.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

I felt butterflies instantly but remembered all of a sudden that I still didn't know who made Natalie pregnant.

Kylian or Jude?

Authors Note

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