Chapter 26

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Sarah P.O.V

The next day at school was still tense.

Kylian and I were not talking to each other or acknowledging each other at all. Even for the slightest things.

He would just snatch them from my hand without a thank you or nod.

Although it irritated me I ignored it because I didn't care if he was mad or not.

It wasn't my problem and I decided to focus on my grades rather than getting involved with any drama.

I was planning on attending a university in Paris and my plan was to move there after the school year was over.

I wanted to live in Paris for the longest and I thought studying while living there would be perfect since I would be getting my education as well.

The schools requirements for grades were up to my standards. All I had to do was do well on the essay portion of the application.

"What's going on in that mind of yours." Jude said pulling up a chair to sit next to me.

"Just thinking about where I'm going to go for university." I replied.

"You've already decided?"

"Yes. I've been thinking about attending this uni for awhile."

"Where is it at?"


"You don't even speak French?" I heard Kylian mumble under his breath.

"It doesn't matter. I can learn ." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"It's not an easy language to learn." he sighed sitting up straight in his chair.

"Well even if I didn't know how to speak French why the hell do you care." I spat giving him a dirty look.

"How the hell are you going to live in Paris. And not speak French?" he laughed, making fun of me.

"Shut up."

"No." he smirked.

"What is your problem. Leave me the hell alone." I groaned turning around in my seat so that my back was facing him.

I felt him tug at the bottom of my hair.


"What the fuck!" I yelped turning back around in my seat to face him.

"What. I didn't do anything." he shrugged.

"Stop behaving like a child and grow up. Isn't that what you told me the other night?" I asked glaring at him.

"Using my own advice against me when your the one who needs it." he scoffed pursing his lips.

"I'm still here y'know." Jude huffed.

"Sorry." I said turning back again to face him.

"Where's my sorry?"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah you heard me. Where's my apology?" Kylian retorted.

"You don't get an apology for acting like a jerk the other night."

"Now leave me alone. I'm being serious."

"I'll leave you alone when I get my apology for fucking him in front of me." he repeated, this time louder.

"Damn Sarah didn't know you were like that." Gavi snorted from behind us.

I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my face that was now red from embarrassment.

"Since when are you such a whore." he added snickering as he leaned back in his chair.

"Fuck you." I said before slapping him hard across the cheek.

"Shit Sarah." he cursed , getting up and leaving out the classroom.

I immediately got out of my chair despite Jude's attempt to calm me down and chased after him angrily.

"Who do you think you are Kylian!"

"Don't come near me." he shouted.

I stopped walking contemplating whether or not to continue or go back to class.

"Just go." he whispered.

"Why are you being like this?"

"Are you seriously asking me this."

"I'm talking about your party."

"I didn't think you would want to come." he shrugged.

"Seeing Nat and I throw a party for our baby. It doesn't seem like the type of place you would want to be."

"So you didn't invite me but you invited all of my friends and Jude?!?" I scoffed sending him daggers with my eyes.

"Wasn't me." he replied.

"Okay you know what forget it. Not worth it." I mumbled turning on my heel and walking away from him.

I half expected him to chase after me and apologize for not inviting me but the other half just wanted him to leave me alone.

"What happened?" Jude asked leaning against the doorway to see me in.

"Nothing." I grumbled pushing past him.

Kylian P.O.V

"Nat why did you invite Sarah's friends to the party?"

"What do you mean Ky?" she said innocently batting her lashes at me.

"You invited Sarah's friends to the party. I saw." I sighed sitting down next to her on my bed.

"I only did that because I thought it would be more fun. Didn't you think it worked." she giggled nudging my arm.

"Not really. Sarah was upset about that."

"Why do you care what Sarah thinks? What about me!"

"I'm your baby's mother. I should come first." she spat.

"Sarah's special to me." I shrugged slightly pushing her away.

"Fine." she huffed turning on her side to go to sleep.

It wasn't a secret to me that Natalie would do something like this but I didn't expect Sarah to be this hurt by my action.

I didn't even think she would care that I threw a party without her.

I guess having this kid with Natalie really upset her. But it wasn't my fault that I was having this kid and if she couldn't support me then I couldn't stand being friends with her either.


hope u all enjoy this filler chapter

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