Chapter 1

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Sarah P.O.V

I started what felt like the worst school year of my life.

My senior year, but at least I was about to leave this dump of a school.

Well not exactly a dump. But the people in it.

I went to Hillsborough high school in California where all the rich kids went.

The kid's parents that went here were either actors , singers or wealthy businessmen.

My parents were neither that. They were normal people who worked quite normal jobs but made a lot of money.

My mom was a professor at a private university and my dad was a CEO of a technology company.

In total they made about 1 million each year which was nothing compared to what the kid's parents at my school made.

I felt like I never belonged at this school only because the popular kids would separate the students by how rich they were.

Dumb. I know. But that's how it worked here and everyone seemed to oblige.

I only had a couple friends and I liked to keep my circle limited to only 3 friends.

One of them being my best friend Bruna.

She was also the girlfriend of my childhood friend Neymar who had really famous parents.

We grew up together in the same neighborhood before his parents got really rich and moved away to a gated community.

I saw him again after years at Hillsborough but and I thought he would've he like a completely different person.

But I soon realized he wasn't like the rest of them who were stuck up and arrogant just because they had famous parents.

I introduced him to all my friends and Bruna who he liked in particular and ever since they've been dating for 2 years.

So it wasn't all that bad here except if you had an ex boyfriend who you had to see everyday in the hallways.

Especially if the people he hung around were all snobby stuck up rich kids who either had a famous parent or a billionaire daddy.

I met him through Neymar and find him to be cute but he turned out to be yet another arrogant jerk.

But the more time I spent around him he seemed to be better than when I first met him and somehow we ended up dating only for him to cheat on me with this popular girl in our grade , Natalie.

He apologized to me for it and tried to reconcile whatever was left of our relationship but I realized I was better off alone without him.

He was the complete opposite of me anyways and we didn't even share any similar childhood.

He grew up rich while my parents worked hard to get a nice job and give me the opportunity to go to schools like this.

People like him were handed these opportunities like candy because of their parents.

All they had to do was send in a generous donation to the school and the school would glady accept them into the grade.

His parents were famous actors who were very popular in Hollywood and were seen in a lot of movies which gave him the confidence to act like he was the shit.

But besides all that Kylian was my first love.

I had my first everything with him which is why I felt such a strong connection with him.

He was the first guy I ever fucked and the last.

We had been broken up now for about 2 months now and I still couldn't find it in me to move on.

Even though he fucked multiple girls after me from what Neymar told me.

It made me sad to hear but I didn't except any less coming from him.

All the girls loved him.

He was the most popular guy in our school and girls practically killed just for a second to talk with him.

But I didn't care about all about because I wasn't overly obsessed with popularity.

It was a big joke to me.

Apart of the reason why I thought it was best for a breakup besides the obvious reason of him cheating was that I was insecure.

I saw the girls he hung around at school and I looked nothing like them.

They were all blonde with the perfect body.

He would give me assurance throughout our relationship and explained how hard it was for him to feel something ever since his ex and that I was special to him because I was different and not like other girls.

But that didn't change the fact that he cheated on me with that bitch Natalie.

Who used to bully me about not being popular and pick at me.

I fucking hated her.

But even after I found out about all that Kylian would try to come up to me at school to talk to me but I wouldn't let him.

Not because I didn't want too.

I did.

But I put my self respect before him and tried my best to ignore everything he would do.


"Sarah. Can we talk please?" he begged tugging on my hands to pull me into the corner.

"No. There's nothing to talk about." I stated crossing my arms agains my chest.

He scooted in closer trapping me between the lockers and himself.

"Come on baby. I should I was sorry."

"Besides she didn't feel nearly as good as you make me feel." he whispered.

"Is that all you care about." I scoffed pushing him off of me.

"You can't say you don't think about it. I know I do." he smirked leaning against the lockers.

"Even if I did that doesn't change the fact that I loved you and you cheated on me with her." I muttered.

"She doesn't mean anything to me." he replied.

"Doesn't matter Ky. I can't forgive you so easily."

*flashback ends*

The bell rang signaling the end of French class.

I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of here especially since I shared the same class with Kylian and Natalie.

"What a loser." Bruna scoffed to me.

I also had Bruna in my class which I was grateful for because if I was alone that would be even worse.

"What happened Bru?"

"Did you see the way she was all over him trying to get his attention?" she asked.

"Who's attention?"


"Yup. I still can't believe we have to be in the same class as them and sit right by them. Do they have to be so fucking loud every-time we're in class?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"I know. I know." I sighed walking towards my locker.

Authors Note

let me know what you guys think!!!😁😁

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