Chapter 3

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Kylian P.O.V

I was in math class when I decided to ask the teacher if I could leave to use the restroom.

I always did that when I wanted an excuse to get out of class.

I usually just walked around the hallways and went on my phone or went to the restroom just to look at my outfit.

"I expect you back in 10 minutes Kylian." my teacher demanded.

Hoe ass.

"Yes Mrs.Robinson." I replied giving her a smile.

I definitely wasn't coming back after 10 minutes.

I exited the classroom to look for the nearest restroom when I found Jude and Sarah walking together.

"The fuck?" I thought to myself.

I walked towards them deciding to strike a conversation with Jude in particular.

"How are you liking Hillsborough Jude?" I spat while putting my arms around Sarah.

"It's quite nice. I'm also looking forward to joining the futbol team." he smirked putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah only if I approve you." I retorted.

He rolled his eyes before looking at me and Sarah with a strange look.

"What's up with you two?" he asked looking more at Sarah than me.

"Kylian's just my-

"Boyfriend." I interrupted giving Sarah a wet kiss on the lips.

"Ky." she sighed pushing my arms off her shoulder.

"Leave the girl alone Mbappe. She's clearly not interested."

"Same goes for you." I replied.

"We need to get back to the tour." Sarah said walking away.

"Stay the fuck away from Sarah, Bellingham. She's not yours to flirt with." I warned.

"Don't tell me what to do. And from what I've seen she definitely isn't interested in you."

"Which is a win for me." he grinned walking away.

I mentally cursed at him in French as he walked away.

There was no way I was letting him get to Sarah.

And there was no way he was getting a spot on my team.

Sarah P.O.V

It was so like Kylian to pull that move earlier in front of Jude.

It was probably all a big game to him messing with my feelings like that.

But what he didn't understand was that he was toying with my feelings and I didn't appreciate that.

I had a soft spot for Kylian and he knew that which is why he would advantage of my fondness towards him often.

It just aggravated me when he did stuff like that in front of guys that tried to talk to me.

He didn't even want to get back together but wanted me to stay single while he went around and had fun.

"Thinking about him huh?" Jude asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No. No." I joked trying to change the topic.

The only people I was comfortable around when talking about Kylian was Bru.

"Look I know we just met and all but you seem really chill and I wanted to know if you would be down to hang out tomorrow?"

"Of course. I would love that." I smiled.

"Meet me at the field after tryouts tomorrow?" he asked writing down his number.

I grabbed the slip of paper and put it into my pocket for later use.

"Sounds like a plan." I said.

"Bet. I'll see you around then." he said walking off.

I walked back to the front office after giving Jude his tour and it was time for lunch so I headed down to the cafeteria waiting for Bruna by the lunch table.

I heard Kylian and his group of friends walk by teasing him when they walked past me.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his friends.

"Looking good Sarah." Gavi smirked giving me a wink which caused his whole friend group to burst out laughing.

"Damn Kylian she's so sexy. Not sure why you dropped her." one of his friends stated making him look at me and smile.

"It's because he fucked Nat you guys." his other friend joked making them all laugh again.

"Fucking boys." I muttered while looking down at my phone waiting for Bru's text.

"Sarah." someone called out nudging my arms softly.

I looked up to be met with the same pair of eyes I was dealing with not too long ago.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"Why don't you and me hang out after school today?"

"Just like old times." he whispered pushing the loose strands of hair off my neck to caress my skin.

"Stop." I demanded.

"Sarah I said I was sorry. I don't know what else to do."

"Sorry's not enough." I whispered causing my tears to slowly spill.

He brought him hand up to my face and gently wiped away at my tears giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Je t'aime." he said before walking off to his friends.

His words didn't mean anything to me anymore.

It was just a bunch of meaningless sorry's and i love you's.

"Sorry I took so long. My teacher stopped me because he caught me cheating." she scoffed.

"No way Bru." I laughed sitting down at our table for lunch.

"What's wrong Sarah? I can see your dried up tears." she asked.

"N-nothing. Just Ky." I stuttered.

"I wish I could beat his arrogant ass up." she groaned rolling her eyes.

We continued talking for the next 30 minutes until lunch was over and everyone headed back to their next class for the day.

I was throwing away my empty juice box when I caught Jude talking to Natalie out of the corner of my eye.

He sure did make friends quick.

He was surrounded by Natalie's whole group and a few popular guys in our grade.

I saw her put her hand on his chest and giggle like she was flirting with him.

And from what it seemed Jude was enjoying it.

"He's just like the rest of em." I thought walking past the group and to my next class.

authors note
i'm so bored so i wrote this chapter . enjoy :)

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