Chapter 2

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Jude P.O.V

It was Wednesday which meant today was my first day at Hillsborough high school.

I got expelled from my old school because I got caught with my girlfriend in the restroom.

I didn't even think it was a big deal but apparently the principal thought getting head in the restroom was breaking the rules and so she had a talk with my parents.

And decided the best decision was for me to continue my education else where.

My parents were really mad but my dad didn't really care because he said he was the same in high school.

But my mom decided Hillsborough was the best school for me since there were other rich kids who went there and my parents wanted me to be surrounded around people like that.

My mom was a plastic surgeon who had her own private practice in Beverly Hills and my dad was an investment banker.

We had to move out of Beverly Hills and into a gated community near Hillsborough.

So I had to breakup with my girlfriend at the time who didn't take it too good but I didn't care because I was kind of bored of her anyways.

And since I was moving schools I knew I would find another girl so I wasn't tripping.

Kylian P.O.V

"Have you heard the news?" Gavi asked.

"What do you mean."

"Bellingham is transferring to our school." he replied rolling his eyes.

"How do you know that?" I asked not knowing whether or not to believe it.

"It's all over the school pages man. Even the principal confirmed it."

"He better not try out for futbol because I'm captain and I most definitely won't accept him here." I spat.

Jude Bellingham was one of the best as many people called him.

He played futbol and was number 2 in the district right below myself who was number 1.

I met him a lot since we used to do futbol tournaments against our schools and I fucking hated him.

He acted like he owned me just because he thought he was better than everyone else.

He didn't know that I was way better than him and his shitty skills. After all I was the number 1 in the whole district for a fucking reason.

So he wasn't allowed to bring that bullshit here because I owned Hillsborough's futbol team and there was no way I was letting him in.

I just hoped he stayed out of my way or else I would make sure to send him a message.

This wasn't Beverly Hills anymore.

It was Hillsborough.


I was walking back to my locker to grab my bag for practice when I saw Sarah talking with Bruna.

I debated whether or not to go up to her but shook it off since she wouldn't even try to talk to me.

She was still upset over the whole breakup and me cheating but what she didn't get was the only reason I even cheated on her was because Natalie kept throwing herself at me.

And I got hard from her rubbing on me that I let my dick do the talking.

Which I shouldn't have but I couldn't help that it happened.

Natalie's tits weren't helping the cause either.

I didn't even love her though, I loved Sarah.

"Keep dreaming." Ney said slamming my locker shut in order for me to see him leaning against the lockers.

I rolled my eyes at him and opened my locker back up to grab a few things.

"Leave her alone man. I'm being serious." he stated.

"What's it got to do with you?" I asked.

"She's a good friend of mine and I don't want to see her hurt again. I know how you are Kylian."

"It was only a one time thing. Besides she's the one who wanted my dick so badly." I replied.

"So you just fucked her knowing you were dating Sarah at the time?" he said narrowing his eyes.

"Okay okay I made a mistake. I get it." I laughed throwing my hands in the air.

"When will you learn." he sighed putting a hand to his forehead.

"I'll learn when these girls stop throwing themselves at me." I smirked.

"Come on. Let's go." he laughed walking me to practice.

Jude P.O.V

"And that is the end of the rules here. I hope you like it here at Hillsborough. We are glad to have you." stated the principal.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Is there a futbol team here?"

"If I remember correctly Kylian Mbappe is number 1 in the district and captain of the team?" I asked.

"Yes he is and I will be glad to put in a good word."

"Since you are number 2 in the district after all." she smirked giving me a wink.

"Awesome." I grinned.

"This is your new schedule. I have one of my students here who will show you around the school to help you look for your classes and if you have any questions please feel free to come visit me anytime." she smiled handing me a stack of papers along with my schedule.

"And this is Sarah. She will show you around today." she said ushering to some girl sitting in the back of the office.

"Hi. Nice to meet you...J-Jude?" she asked looking twice at my name on the paper.

"That's right." I grinned.

Damn she was hot.

"Sarah let me know if you have any questions regarding Jude." the principal stated to her.

"No ma'am. I think I'm good." she said before gesturing me out the door and into the empty hallways of Hillsborough.

"It's so quiet here."

"That's because everyone's in class right now." she laughed.

"Right." I thought.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I got to properly introduce myself back there. I'm Jude Bellingham." I said extending my hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you Jude. I'm Sarah." she smiled shaking my hand.


I'll make sure to remember that for later.

Authors Note

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