Chapter 34

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Sarah P.O.V

I sat down to think about yesterday and what happened with Kylian.

To the point where I felt embarrassed for my actions and how I acted out when I should've been supportive.

I was being very insecure only because I was scared that one day Kylian would want to be a family with Natalie and get together.

So instead of listening whenever he would say he only loved me I would push him away in fear that one day it's not going to last and he's going to stop.

I decided to call Kylian and tell him once and for all that I was ready to give him what he wanted.


"Hello Kylian?"

"What do you want Sarah.." he replied.

I could tell over the phone that he was irritated with me calling.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior . I let my emotions get the best of me. I should've been there to support you."

"I've heard this story too many times. I've given you too many chances Sarah."

"I'm sorry Ky. It just scares me to think that you'll stop loving me one day." I sighed falling back onto my bed.

"I will never stop caring and loving for you the way I do. I can promise you that but you have to promise me the same. Or else this will never work out."

"I promise to do that and more. And to be supportive of your baby. I can also take care of the baby if you'd like when it is born."

"Take care? You mean like babysit?"

"Yes. If that's f-fine." I said not knowing whether or not I was doing too much.

"I'd love that. We can both spend time with the baby when it's born without Natalie of course."

"Would you like that? I'm sure you would look so beautiful holding my child." he told me.

"I hope." I whispered, inaudible to Kylian.

"You there?" he asked.

"Y-yeah yeah I'm here. I was just thinking about calling you later? I have something to do." I lied.

"Alright I'll call you later."

"Bye." I said, abruptly hanging the phone and letting out a deep breath.


"So are you sure about this?" Bruna asked looking at me intensely.

"I'm sure. What's the worst he'll" I chuckled.

"Uhm...yeah." she laughed.

"Bruuu stop your scaring me." I whined gently pushing her.

"I'm kidding but i'm getting impatient now and I think he's about to leave so hurry up." she emphasized slowly pushing me towards Kylian who was leaned against the wall in a conversation with Gavi.

Oblivious to Bruna and I.

"Ky can I talk with you for a sec?" I asked playing with my fingers nervously.

"Sure. I'll see you later?" he told Gavi before leading me to a secluded corner of the hallway.

He leaned against the wall again and stared at me waiting for an answer.

"Uh- I wanted to ask if your going to the Prom and if you want to go together?"

"Sarah." he sighed looking to me then scratching his neck.

"I kind of already promise Nat because it's a special day for her and her baby. And she wanted me to be there with her for it."

"What exactly is the occasion?" I asked pursing my lips trying to hide my frown.

"I'm not sure but all I know is that she wants me by her side." he shrugged pulling out his phone to check his ringing texts.

"Is that her?" I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"Mhm." he replied on cue not letting his eyes up from the screen.

"It's fine. You guys have fun. I think I'm probably going to skip on it anyways." I mumbled looking through the glass wall into the library.

He lauged looking down at his phone as he frantically typed something up.

This is exactly what I'm afraid of... one day he's going to realize he's in love with the mother of his child and I'll be left behind like some sore loser in love.

"Okay I guess I'll see you later." I whispered testing to see if he was paying attention but I got no response so instead of standing around like a loser, I left.

And didn't look back when I heard him calling my name and attempting to grab my hand.

"So how'd it go?" Bruna asked with a huge smile and cheerful attitude.

"W-what happened baby?" she asked again, this time her smile in a frown seeing my expression.

"He's going with her." I whispered blinking away my tears.

"They're meant to be anyways. He's the father of her child. One day or another he's going to want to be apart of his child's life including being a husband to Nat."

"Sarah." Kylian softly said.


"Don't forget I'm in love with you and have been seen we first met." he said reaching out for my hands and putting them in his.

"I'm jealous Ky." I whispered looking down.

"What was that baby?" he asked putting his finger under my chin and making me face him with my glossy eyes.

"I want to be the one having your kid and you obsessing over how my belly is growing. I want to be the one going to Prom with you and I want to talk about my future plans with you. I'm jealous that another woman gets to share that with you." I sobbed tearing my face away from his.

"Come here please. Stop running away from me." he said pulling me into him.

"Have I let you think otherwise? Sarah I've only been intimate with her once and it was a mistake. Your the one who's on my mind constantly. I can't ever stop thinking about you no mater what I do."

"Sometimes when I'm with Natalie I like to imagine she's you and your carrying our baby inside here." he said putting his hand over my stomach and massaging it.

"I want to have a baby with you too." I spilled out of anger and defeat.

"We'll have many amour but now you shouldn't be worried about any of that and just focus on how heavily I care for you. I would do anything for you." he stated cupping both of my cheeks and giving me a loving kiss.

authors note

hey y'all i had severe writers block & had no idea wht to write but i wrote this so maybe it makes up for it?🙈🙈🫶🏼

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