Chapter 12

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Jude P.O.V

I came to school the next day hearing that Kylian would be stepping down from his position as Team Captain.

Something to do with having his baby. But I couldn't be happier because this meant that I could become the Team Captain of Hillsborough.

And nothing made me happier than knowing I could be better than Kylian Mbappe.

Today there was no practice but I insisted on putting in a good word to the principal so I stopped before the day ended.

"Good Evening Jude. It's always a pleasure to see you." she exclaimed pointing to the seat in front of her desk.

"I wanted to talk about being Team Captain." I told her.

"Ah yes."

"The Team Captain has officially resigned and your looking to replace him?" she asked.


"Well I cannot guarantee that you will become the Captain but I can put in a good word on one condition."

"If you help out with the school's annual dance."


"You see Jude here at Hillsborough's High we have a tradition of keeping a dance for seniors at the beginning of the year to celebrate all their hard work throughout the years."

"And just yesterday one of our volunteers had to quit because of unforeseen circumstances so we need some new hands to fill in." she said looking at me.

"Alright fine. I'll do it." I sighed.

"Great. The committee meets at 6pm every Tuesday and my student will also be joining you."

"Your student?"

"Yes my student Sarah. The one who introduced you on the first day."


I saw Sarah standing by the front of the school waiting to get picked up so I decided to talk to her.

"Hey Sarah."

"Jude." she harshly responded.

"Did I do something?"


"Well I must've done something because you've been avoiding me for the past few days." I remarked.

"I-it's nothing." she sighed.

"No Sarah tell me." I demanded turning her around to face me.

"It's just the day we h-had sex. You kind of kicked me out and it made me feel like you were just using me." she admitted nervously playing with her fingers.

"Oh. I'm sorry you feel that way Sarah."

"That's all?" she retorted.

"I don't know what to say. That's just how I am."

"Wow I didn't know you were such a jerk." she hissed walking away.

"Wait Sar-"

But she left before I even finished.


Maybe I could talk to her at the meeting for the party I have to volunteer in.

I liked Sarah I did but I just didn't want to get into a relationship right now.

I don't think I was ready to have a relationship especially since futbol was my main priority.

I didn't know much about relationships since elementary.

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