The Anger Falls

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Genre: fluff, emotional, sad

Imagine: scene in season 10, you walk in during his episode

Warning!!!: anger issues, throwing things, smashing things (may be triggering to some)

You are out getting food for you and Dean, after helping Sam some more with a case. It didn't take as long as you expected so you decided since Sam was good by himself you would pick up a few things and get food to take back to the motel. You know exactly what Dean likes so there was really no point in calling or texting him. Now pulling up to the motel you grab the bag of food and walk up with your key to unlock the door, when you open the door you hear crashing, you look in and Dean is going at it, throwing anything in reach, breaking, and smashing anything he can.


Hearing his name he turns to the door, you can see the red marks on his eyes, how tired, stressed, and upset he is. He didn't even noticed to unlock or open the door at all.

"Y/n.... Please leave, I didn't know you were gonna be here so soon."

You don't leave, obviously. You walk in and close the door, setting the bags on the now empty dresser.

"Sit down, let me patch up your hands."

"You don't have to do this."

"I know I don't have too. But I'm going to, wether you like it or not."

He sits at the edge on the bed, you make your way to the bathroom, being careful where you step, trying to grab the first aid kit and a towel to put water on. You grab everything making your way back to Dean, you sit next to him and hold your hand out, signaling for him to give you his hand. You start by wiping the blood of his knuckles with the towel, then pour alcohol on it, after its disinfected you go ahead and wrap his hand, doing the same on the other hand even though it isn't as bad. Neither one of you say a word the whole time, the only sound in the room is the little grunts Dean makes from the pain. Once you're finished you clean up the trash, and put everything back in the bathroom. 

When you come back to the bed Dean has his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees. You know he probably feels so much right now. You walk over to Dean and sit right next him, you wrap your arm around his, he flinches a little bit but then relaxes. You lay your head on his shoulder, trying your best not to cry. You hate seeing him this way, it breaks your heart.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"


"Ok, well what do you want to do? Just tell me what I can do to help and I will."

"Sit here with me."

You don't respond, you just sit up slightly to cross your legs, getting a little more comfortable, then returning to him, with your arm wrapped in his, leaning your head on his shoulder. After a minute he takes a shaky deep breath, you can tell he's also trying not to cry, but he has the right too, he always holds it in, he needs to let it out. He needs to feel comfortable enough to let it out.

"It's ok to let it out Dean." You say quietly, but so he can still hear you.

He takes his hands away from his face, looking up slightly, he wipes his face. You stand up and grab his hand lightly pulling.

"Stand up."

Dean stands up and you wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, he starts to hug you back, snuggling into the crook of your neck a bit. You feel his breathing get shaky, and you just hug him a little tighter.

"I- I don't know why I get so angry... It's just, it's just always been there, and sometimes I just can't stop it. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Dean it's ok. It's not your fault."

A few more minutes goes by and he pulls back, wiping his face trying to calm down.

"How are you feeling?"

He chuckles very lightly, "Tired, exhausted, hungry, upset. A lot of different things."

"Well I brought food back with me if you want to eat, or if you want to lay down I can stay here with you or go back out, it's up to you."

"You'd really stay here with me? After all this?"

"You're such an idiot. Yes of course I would."

"Can you lay down with me?"

"After I eat, I gladly will. But I'm starving."

You walk over to grab the food and sit at the little table in the motel room, you grab your burger out and throw a burger at Dean who is now laying in bed.

"Was that necessary?"

"No, but I thought you might laugh a little or at least give me a 'bitch' face."

"Well it worked, good job"

"See I'm amazing, and you know it." You say with a big smile on your face.

You finish your food and go lay down next to Dean. He's already asleep so you go ahead and turn off the only lamp that is still intact, and lay your head on his arm, wrapping your arm slightly around his stomach since he's laying on his back.


Dean x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt