Shotgun Shuts it's Cakehole

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Genre: Funny, fluff

Imagine: You and Dean on your way back from a hunt and you wanting to pick the music

Everybody knows Deans famous rule, 'Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts its cake hole'. Luckily, you also know his soft spot, you! Yes, Dean may act like a total hard ass, and a bitch with no emotions, but you have gotten to see the real him. The part that cares about people, where he would do anything to keep who he loves safe, the emotional side of him. With all of that, comes y'all loving each other, even though neither of y'all have said that, or hell, even mentioned anything close to that. That being said, you and Dean are driving back to the bunker from a quick hunt, Sam decided to stay behind which you had no problem with. Dean sat driving, letting his right arm lay on the top of the seat, resting his hand behind you, while you decided to finally ask the question nobody has ever dared to ask him.

"C'mon Dean, we're bestfriends.. Can I please pick just the next couple of-"

"No." Dean replied, cutting you off.

"Wha-What? You didn't even let me finish."

"First of all, that's what she said. Second, I'm gonna guess you were gonna say something along the lines of me letting you pick the next few songs?"

"Well, yea."

"Exactly, so no, you know the rule Y/n."

"Dude... Please, just this one time, I won't tell Sam, Bobby, anyone, I Promise."


"Pretty pleasssse." You beg, scooting close to him, staring at him. When he locks eyes with your pathetic face, you see his eyes soften slightly, not paying much notice to it until he speaks again.

"Fine. This time only, and depending on how I like your music you only get 4 songs at least, maybe more if you're lucky."

"Yes! Thank youuu." You reply, slightly putting your hand on the left side of his jaw, leaving a quick kiss on his right cheek before plugging in your phone to aux. You being playing something you know he'll like so he can't talk shit to you, you start with Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Next is Sister Christian by Night Ranger, by now he is humming along, glancing at you smiling ever once in a while. You continue playing your music, it slowly getting more out of his range as time goes on, but he never asks you to turn it off or anything. You start getting tired so you rest your elbow on the door handle, laying your head in your hand to try and doze off, Dean sees this, seeing you look terribly uncomfortable.

"That cannot be comfortable, at all."

"Trust me, it's not, but I don't wanna get in the backseat so I'll settle."

"Come here." Now you open your eyes to look at him, confused what he meant. "Come lay over here on me, I'm sure it has to be more comfortable then that, and you still are up front." You so tired you don't even think about it, you just sit in the middle and lean against him, laying your head on his shoulder, as his right arm wraps around you, brushing his hand backhand fourth on your arm. Now that you actually feel his touch, your mind starts to wander. You've loved Dean for almost ever now, he's seemed to reciprocate somewhat, as much as y'all would let it. Dean isn't the one to show emotion, but he will with you, and only you, that's gotta mean something. It's time to take a risk.. You pull away from him slightly, seeing that y'all are on a country road with no one around.

"Hey can you pull over for just a sec?" You ask, still loosely in his embrace.

"Yea, sure." He pulls over and turns to look at you. "So why'd you want me to pull over?" With that, you smile softly, put your right hand on the left side of his face, half way on his jaw, and kiss him. Since his arm is still around you, he pulls you in with his right arm, pressing his hand against your lower back to get you closer to him. Y'all make out gently for a few seconds before you pull back and lay on him again.

"You can start driving again now."

"So that was literally the only reason for me pulling over?"

"Yea, why you didn't like it?"

"Don't get me wrong I loved it, but I could've kept driving."

"I'd rather not of ended up in a ditch, so no you couldn't of, sorry."

"My driving skills are amazing and you know it sweetheart." You look up at him, leaving one more quick kiss on his lips before getting comfortable. Once your comfy, he brushes his hand on your arm just as he did before, and kisses the top of your head, you then drift to sleep in his arms as he drives you guys home.

~couple hour time skip~

"Baby... Y/n... It's time to wake up we're at the bunker."

"Mm." You mumble, not even awake to understand what he said, just know you heard his voice.

"Cmon you gotta get up." "Fine I see we're doing this the harder way." After he says whatever he said, you become more coherent when you feel his arms under you. He picks you up bridal style, closing the car door with his foot before carrying you inside. As he does this you take your hand that isn't wrapped behind his neck, and rub your eyes some, slowly waking up, when you realize what it happening, you lay your arm down and dig your head in the crook of him neck, closing your eyes again. "Well I see someone's finally awake."

"Mhm." Now Dean is going up the stairs to the bedrooms.

"Can I put you down so you can walk yourself to bed?"


"Fine if you insist."

"Take me to your room."

"I planned on it baby." His comment left you giggling slightly, and smiling like a huge idiot. Once y'all made it to his room, he layed you down on the bed and you turned to your side, laying in the fetal position, while looking to see what he was doing. "Do you want me to go grab some clothes out of your room to change into?"

"Yea... A hoodie and a pair of boxers." When he came back, he brought your favorite hoodie, you realized he did that because he remembered you saying it was your favorite.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." You decide to just change in front of him, which he didn't seem to mind at all, he just took his shirt off, and got comfortable in bed, laying his arm out for you to snuggle against him when you get back in bed. "I don't think I ever told you why this is my favorite hoodie.."

"No you haven't.. Let's hear it."

"It's because you're the one who bought it for me.. Idiot."

"First off, I'm a very good looking idiot, and second off, I thought that could be a reason why but I didn't wanna assume." You guys go back and fourth as you lay down and got comfortable. You cuddle into his side, his hand resting in your shoulder as you lay your head in the crook of his neck again, leaving a couple kisses on his neck.

"I love you so much, even though you are a huge idiot."

"Yea well I love you more." You look up at him smiling, he leans down and kisses you. You then decide to turn and lay with your back facing him because your uncomfortable. When you do this, he lays on his side to, facing you, and wraps his left arm around your stomach, making sure to hold you tight and pull you close to him.

"Who knew you'd be so clingy and cuddly." Saying as you giggle at him.

"Shut up. And you never tell Sam about this."

"Wouldn't dream of it handsome."


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