Please Don't Leave (Alternate ending)

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hiii so this is just a different ending to my last one-shot, i thought of this weeks ago when i had the original idea but just got time to write both of them. let me know which one you like better or if you hate them both LMAO. (if you haven't read the original i suggest reading it first so you understand what's happened and stuff.) this ending is still emotional ASF but it gets more cute and lighthearted toward the end of the ending lol

Once your calmed down again you go to his bathroom and run some water on your face, you come back to his bed, turning his bedroom light off, leaving only the bathroom light on, shining on the bed. You lay down horizontally on his bed, resting your head on his stomach, facing him. You grab his left arm and hold his hand, your other arm intertwined with his. You don't mean to fall asleep but end up doing so, harder than ever. When you wake up, you startle yourself awake somehow, you realize Dean isn't in bed, meaning he's woken up.. At first you feel relief then, realize you need to find him and give him the biggest hug ever. 

You get out of bed quickly, Dean being himself made sure you were comfortable so he put a pillow under your head in replace of him, and turned off all the lights in his room for you. Once you're up you walk to the bathroom searching for the light switch so you don't hit anything, once there's light you practically sprint to the door. Deans door is the loudest door in the bunker, you can hear it from downstairs and across the whole house, that being said you immediately hear foot steps coming up the stairs when you open his door, but you can tell it's not Deans. You make your way to the stairs as fast as possible just wanting to see Dean, but Sam meets you at the top of the stairs blocking you. 

"Sam where's Dean??"

"Y/n calm down just a second, ok?" he could tell you were worried and being extremely impatient. 

"I need to see him right now Sam... Just at least see he's ok. Please Sam."

"We heard the door open and he wanted me to come up here to stop you, he feel so horrible right now and is still a bit loopy from all the blood loss. When he heard the door he told me to tell you to just wait in his room for a few minutes."

"Wait... What, why? Why doesn't he just let me see him right now?"

"Because he knew you were gonna be really emotional and stuff. He feels awful for what happen y/n."

"Ok.. But i'm still not understanding. I'm not mad at him, I know he knows that. I just need to see with my own eyes that he's ok."

"Y/n... I don't know if you realize it but you were already crying when you walked out of his room. This whole time you've been crying, that's why he wants you to wait up here for him. For you to take a minute to calm down, possibly stop crying. When he came downstairs earlier he was on the verge of tears just with me giving him a hug. Right now Dean is mentally all over the place and can't handle seeing you cry. I'm sure you know this, but we can all see right through you y/n. We can tell when you're faking a smile, when you're upset, everything, even when you try to hide it. Dean may not show it, but he loves you with everything in him, when you get hurt during a hunt, he always feels like it's his fault. Imagine how he feels now, after seeing you cry over him, and after him seeing how worried you were." At this point you're sitting against the wall with your head in your hands, crying, and just listening to what Sam is telling you.

"I- I can't lose him Sam, and today I thought I was. I had already made the plan of going to make a deal for him Sam. He needs to know how I feel about him... I need him, Sammy."

"Come here." he says giving you a hug. "I know you love him y/n, it's so obvious you have feelings for him. I'm sorry, but earlier I had to tell him. He kept going on about how much he bet that you hate him now, and that you'd never look at him the same way. I had to tell him how you really felt because he was making himself crazy, thinking you were gonna hate him the rest your life."

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