You Need to Get Here

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Genre: fluff, sad

Imagine: you and Sam go on a hunt, Dean staying behind, but it goes wrong (Dean is your boyfriend in this)

"Hey Y/n what's up?"


"Woah, what's wrong, what happened?" He asks, able to tell you are crying.

"Uhm, the- the hunt, the vampires. There were more then we thought and Sam, he got hurt, bad.. I patched him up and we're back at the hotel, but I think you- you need to get here."


"Because... It's really bad Dean, he hasn't woken up since it happen, I keep calling Cas but he isn't responding." "I- I don't know what else to do Dean, please, just come to the motel."

"Uh. Y-yea, I'll be there about 30 minutes."

With that you lay against the wall of the motel, right next to the door, staring at Sam, praying he wakes up soon. The hunt was a nest of vampires, from the research, and signs y'all saw there were only suppose to be 3-5, but it turned out being about 10. Between trying to fight all of them, and Sam trying to protect you, he got hurt, it was bad, 2 gashes on his stomach, and one on the back of his leg. When it happened he immediately passed out, once you finished off the vampires you quickly rushed to grab the first aid kit, then came back to patch him up. You waited for a bit trying to have him wake up, but he never did, you decided it would be best to go back to the motel, so you packed up all your guys stuff, then carefully tried to get Sam to the car, which took a while but you made it. At this point you had made it to the motel, you got him inside and since then, he still never woke up, you've made sure he's still breathing, so you don't know why he won't wake up, since he isn't dead. You decide to go outside to get some fresh air, you've finally calmed down some, a few tears still falling from your eyes. A few minutes later you hear the Impala roaring. When he pulled up, he hurried out of the car and made his way to you, when you stood up and saw the look on his face, his bright green eyes filled with worry and fear, his face a bit red, you lost it again, sobbing your eyes out. Dean wrapped his arms around you tightly and kissed the top of your head before resting his chin there. You felt his breathing become shaky, he took one of his hands and covered his mouth, you could tell he was crying but trying his best not too.

"I'm sorry. I should've gotten hurt not him.."

"Baby." His voice barely audible.

"It wouldn't be a big deal if I got hurt, b-but he's your brother Dean. I feel terrible."

"Stop, Y/n. J-just stop, ok. You guys didn't know there were so many vampires, and its not your fault o-ok? He should've called me to come help." When he says this you cry harder into his chest, slightly gripping his shirt and holding onto him tighter. Then Cas shows up.

"Hey, what happened?"

"Um Sam got hurt, it's really bad, do you think you can heal him?" 

"I might, it depends on how serious it is, where is he?" 

"He's in the room, here's the key, let me and Dean talk a bit more please."


You back away from Dean, you make your way to the Impala and sit on the hood, with your head in your hands trying to stop crying. You know the way Sam looks is rough, and you don't know how Dean will do seeing his brother like that. He comes and sits next to you, wrapping his arm around you to bring you closer to him, you now leaning against him.

"I don't know if you wanna go in here.."

"What do you mean? He's my brother y/n."

"You remember him um, dying last time right? Well even though he isn't dead, it sorta looks close to that, he's beaten up pretty bad... I just want you to be prepared."

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