First kiss / After hunt

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So... you, dean, and sam, hunting buddies nothing more of course had just finished a hunt. y'all were so tired at this point it was about 1am and every motel dean turned into had no rooms available, FINALLY after like 6 motels y'all find one with only one room. usually there would be 2 rooms, dean and sam in the beds and you on the couch (sometimes y'all would take turns on who sleeps on the couch). it was to late to even care, dean parks the impala and sam tosses you the keys to get in while they unload all the stuff.

you walk into the room and immediately go lay down on the couch. it took you a little bit to fall asleep with the ruckus of sam and dean getting their stuff inside, after a while you hear sam snoring but dean is still awake. you're to tired to try and stay awake any longer. right when you doze off you hear dean saying something, you turn and he's right next to you "huh" you say, he replies "you take the bed i'll sleep on the couch." "dean im to tired to move, i just dozed off, it's fine just to sleep" you say. next thing you know dean is getting his arms under you and carrying you to the bed. he goes to walk away after laying you down softly on the bed but you grab his arm so he falls into the bed. "i'll feel to bad in the morning if i wake up and your on the couch, just sleep in the bed with me" you tell him. "the only reason i'm staying here is because i used the rest of my energy to get you into bed." y'all both chuckle, you turn your back facing him while he lays on his back, before you fall asleep again you tell him, "if i wake up laying on your side, DO NOT wake me up" "ok then" he replies...

that morning, sam is gone probably to get breakfast-

sure enough you wake up laying in his side. you feel him trying to get up but you end up hugging him tighter, your half asleep not even realizing what your doing. you start becoming more coherent once he says "y/n i need to pee so freaking bad, i'll be right back" so you turn over and he goes to the bathroom. you hear the water running, hoping he comes back into the bed because he was warm and your freezing. he comes back "see told u id be right back" you turn to face him cuddling up against him again and you say, "good because your warm and im cold, plus your really comfy." you feel his emerald green eyes looking down to you, you look up and he has this confused look. "what? you've never had someone call you comfy before?"

"well no because i don't like people laying on me."

"your gonna have to suck it up this time"

"you laying on my doesn't bother me at all though."

as he says that he wraps his arm around you laying his hand on you waist. for a second your confused, but you've loved dean forever, ever since y'all met. you start to think, 'is he implying what i think he's implying?' you decide it's now or never. you look up at him, you put your hand on his face/jawline, you kiss him. his lips so soft and gentle, you feel him kinda smiling in the kiss, once you realize he's good with it you just melt into a deep kiss. you pull away, "i love you dean, i always have since i met you. even when your being a huge dick i just can't help but to get lost in your pretty green eyes"... for some reason he starts giggling, your confused and starting to get kinda embarrassed and upset. "see like right now your being a fucking dick. i just told u how i've felt about you for years and you just start to fucking laugh, you know what fuck you dean. forget we kissed, forget i said a god damn thing" you say as you sit up, kinda shoving him away in the act, you get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. once you start walking out, you see him get up and start walking towards you. you try to shove him out the way "stop dean, im not in the mood for your bullshit right now, not after whatever the fuck just happened." you try to shove him out of the way but he didn't move, "you meant what you said, about you loving me and all?"

"yes dean, i did, or i do, but forget it, i don't even want to be in the same room as you right now."

you start to get teary eyed. he notices and wipes the tears off your face.

"i love you too y/n, i didn't mean to laugh like that, well i did but only because i thought u were messing with me. i started to realize how i felt about you since we started hunting together full time. i'm sorry."

you look at him when he says that, he pulls you toward him with both his hands on each side of your waist, he kisses you, more passionately then before but still pretty gently. you lean into it more and wrap your arms around his neck. at this point he picks you up and lays you on the bed and y'all are making out. then you hear the door unlock and sam walks in, dean pulls back "goddammit"

"well i didnt expect to walk back in to this but ok then"

"shut up sam"

dean lays next to you while we are all having a morning talk about a hunt near by and stuff, you and dean are cuddling and then y'all kiss once more, "so what y'all both finally told each other how you guys felt sam said. i had a confused look, "you knew dean had feelings for me?!" you said

"well i mean yea he's my brother."

"and you knew she loved me?"

"she never told me she did but it was obvious dude, the way she'd stare at you all the time, like come on."

after a whole spew about how sam knew everything y'all went on a hunt.

the end , 1080 words.

hey everyone so i'm not good at ending these but yea hope you guys liked it!

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