𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵. 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

- The  room grew dead silent. 


"3-E alien monster class guy? Yep that would be me," he sighed, gripping onto the handle of his bag which was already resting on his shoulder.

"My apologies, we just weren't expecting to see your face today due to the circumstances. We were preparing for a late arrival, or alternative learning for your comfort."

"I don't need special treatment, thanks. Where am I sitting?" He asked, his tone sounded rather annoyed.

'No, no, no, of fucking course the only empty desk is the one next to mine, fuck fuck fuck.'

"Back of the room, next to the [hair colour] young lady."

"Cool, well carry on with whatever you were talking about," Karma shrugged as he made his way to the desk.

"Right, of course. As I was saying..."

Throughout the day, everyone was sneaking glances at Karma, making theories about what had truly happened in the end campus.

"Go on. I can feel you staring at me, (L/N). If you've got something to say, say it," he huffed.

"You know my name?"

"Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a complete and total dick. You sat behind me in the first year of Junior High."

"Right... Haha.. Sorry, I've got nothing to say, just looking around the room, my bad," you lied straight through your teeth. You had a million questions, but unfortunately you weren't one to face your fears, and Karma was definitely near the top of the list of things you were afraid of.

"Perfect, then let's enjoy a silent year of sitting next to each other, sound good?" You just nodded in response.

'I don't remember him being so.. Hostile?'  You sat there confused but at the end of the day, you didn't care too much.

The day eventually ended, of course Kunugigaoka was the type of school to assign homework on the first day. Karma, despite being the last to enter the class, was the first to leave.

You met up with your three friends at the front gates.

"So, Smarty, how's A-Class?" Kaori asked you.

"Guess who I sit next to."

"Asano!?" Mizuki and Mutsoko exclaimed in unison, both "secretly" being part of his little fan club.

"Worse. Akabane."

"No way, I thought he would've been done with school," Mutsoko responded.

"Same! Well I guess he did rank first, pretty smart guy," Kaori added.

"But it's weird, he's like.. Quiet, and moody now..." You thought back to his cold demeanour. 

"That is weird, wasn't he like cocky as fuck last week?" Mizuki questioned.

"That's what I'm saying," you responded.

"Guys, use your heads. He was held captive by an alien!" Kaori raised her hands, emphasising  the word 'alien'.

"Whatever, if he's gonna keep being bitchy I'm not talking to him."

"Fair enough," Kaori responded.

The train ride home was just as quiet as the one to school.

"I'm home!" You called out to your mother as you took off your loafers.

"How was it?" She asked as she met you in the mudd room.

"Oh fine."

She crossed her arms.

"Just fine?"

"Well, we've already gotten homework, there was a pop-quiz for calculus.. I don't know, pretty average first day if you ask me." You responded as you both headed to the living room, taking a seat on the couch.

"You know what I really want to hear about."

"It was normal, mom. I guess I sit next to a guy who was in E-Class."

"Oh that poor thing," she placed her hand over her heart.

"Don't know if I would put it like that," you mumbled. "He's kind of a freak if I'm being honest, mom."

"(Y/N), some respect please. Those poor children, who knows what kind of torture they had to endure! I raised you better than that, be nice to the boy."

"You know I'm not mean to people's faces, he asked me to hold the questions and give him some space and that's exactly what I plan on doing."

"Well as long as that's what he asked, just do the right thing," she planted a kiss on your forehead before leaving the room.

'Like the Karma Akabane would actually cooperate with what would be the so-called right thing.'

𝘾𝙄𝙉𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙊𝙉 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 ──  k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now