117 - Deserving

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"Hey Parker, you wanna be in on this? We're gonna go confront Stingray about Silver," Demetri calls from the other side of the yard. I pause my bag training to look over at the small group of them. Demetri, Eli, Bert, Miguel... and Sam... she still hasn't apologized for last night. Not that I've necessarily given her the chance, but still.

"I have work to do," is all I respond with before returning to my task. The LaRussos gave me work off today, which I suppose I can't be too mad about, but I wouldn't have minded working on a car to distract myself. They also said they have to postpone the explanation dinner, since some plans came up or something. It's fine. I don't really wanna sit down at a table and pretend Sam didn't hurt me last night anyway. Ah shit, Miguel is walking over here...

"Hey, is- uh- is everything okay with you? I feel like normally you'd never wanna miss out on something like this," he asks, keeping his voice low. This is the same boy who was at my door the moment the party ended, in a state of panic because Sam walked in while he was kissing another girl, which apparently is why Sam was in such a bad mood when she came over to Tory and I. It was a little tricky pretending as if Robby and I hadn't literally just been making out and switching from a make-out mood to a comforting friend mood. He asked if what he had done could be considered cheating. I told him it absolutely wasn't because Sam literally broke up with him. She can't do that and then expect Miguel to stay loyal to her as if they were still dating. She can't have it both ways. Robby chimed in with the fact that even though it wasn't cheating, now Sam knows how it feels to see the person they want to be with kissing someone else. Either way, Miguel deserves better than signals more mixed than a fruit smoothie.

"I don't like confrontation," I answer simply, continuing to do some hand strikes- with my left hand only- on the bag. Miguel puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"C'mon Reina, I know it's about more than that," he says.

"Then why did you ask?" I ask in return.

"Because I didn't wanna assume-"

"Fine. I don't want to go because I don't exactly wanna hang around Sam right now, there, happy?" I snap, though I instantly feel a little bad for taking a harsh tone with him.

"No, not yet,"


"Look, I know you don't really wanna be around her right now. I wouldn't either. But we could really use your help. You know how to read people best. You'd be able to tell if he was lying," Miguel says, "please, Parker... we need you, I need you... Sam really thinks this could work. We could take down Silver."

I hate it when he looks at me with those eyes... but unfortunately for him, I'm not the type to change my mind in something just because someone makes puppy eyes at me.

"Mig... I can't... you saw what happened last night... you heard what she said... you saw the way everyone was staring at me... so- so I don't care what Sam thinks or wants or needs," I say, tears starting to sting my eyes, "porque necesitaba que ella estuviera allí para mí anoche, y todo lo que hizo fue lastimarme. Eso es siempre lo que me pasa, y estoy jodidamente harto de eso (because I needed her to be there for me last night, and all she did was hurt me. That's always what happens to me, and I'm sick of it)."

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