8- Call it a Dance

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I sit down at my usual table in the near empty cafeteria. I get to leave a few minutes early to have time to get to my classes without getting trampled. People are starting to fill in. It went well yesterday at tae kwon do. I was able to instruct the class even with a very achey knee. It hurts a lot more than I care to admit. On a brighter note, I've aced all my finals. The real stress is off, because my last one is for show choir, and I've been doing music theory for almost over half my life now.

Somebody sits a seat away from me, turning to face me. It's not Sam... who- oh. This is too surreal... my brain doesn't immediately register what's going on, as if it can't decide whether this moment is real, or some moment long faded in the past.

"Miguel told me what you said. So you think I'm an asshole and a coward now?"

I say nothing. I clearly do, and I think we both know I'm not wrong.

"Answer me," Hawk says harshly, shoving me a little at the shoulder. I fully snap back to reality.

"I think we both know what the answer to your question is," I respond.

"You act like you're some princess yourself," he retorts. My heart pangs. I know I'm not... and he has every right to be mad at me, but he had no right to hurt me at the tournament.

"My Sensei gave us a whole speech because of you and your little boy-toy."

Mr Lawrence stayed true to his word... huh...

"Good. Maybe he can get some sense back into you," I say, words filled with the sting of the past, "and don't talk about Robby like that."

"I think I'll talk about him however I want. Can't wait to see how fast you get rid of him and pretend like it's nothing. And you call me the coward and the asshole," he says. My heart starts beating faster as guilt floods it completely. No... no... things are different now, things are gonna be okay... I turn away from him, taking a drink of water from my water bottle, partially in an effort to hold my tongue and swallow down tears. Without warning, he smacks the bottle of my hand, sending water all over the table, my food, and me. He's trying to start a fight. And I was having a good day. He stands up.

"Stand up Reyes. Let's finish this," Hawk says. There's nothing to finish. The fight ended on Saturday, and he lost.

"No. Leave me alone," I say, using my firm tone. People are starting to watch... I just wanted to eat my lunch in peace...

He grabs my arm, forcefully pulling me to my feet. I rip my arm out of his grip.

"Don't ever touch me again," I say, tone serious and dark. I mean it. I hate the way he grabbed me...

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" He asks. When I don't say anything, he grabs my wrist, forcing my hand in his.

"Call it a dance now," he says. He spins me into a choke hold from behind. People are recording now. I've never actually been choked... I've only been in this situation in practice and in the friendly spar with Robby... ay Dios mío... I can't breathe... I can't breathe!

"Bet I'm a real coward now, huh princess?"

Enough. I slip my leg behind his, tripping him, and he goes crashing to the ground.

I don't respond. I don't need to. I just straighten out my shirt and kinda look down at him. He gets up, furious, and moves to hit me.

"Hey!" someone exclaims, stepping in between us, "what the hell are you doing man?!"

Miguel Diaz?! What is he doing?

"Finishing what she started!" He replies. What I started?! He and I both signed up for that tournament and only one of us ended up in a knee brace and only one of us won second place.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now