39- Two Truths and a Lie

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"There she is! Glad to have you back. These guys questioned your absence, but don't worry, I had your back,"

"You're so dramatic, you make it seem like we were insulting her or something,"

"I'm just saying!"

"Thank you, Demetri," I laugh, stepping down onto the grass. They crack me up.

"So did you win?" He asks. Did I win? Please. I kid, I kid, I suck.

"Yeah! I competed in board breaking, two types of forms, and sparring and got first in everything except board breaking, where I got second,"

"See? I told you you didn't need practice," he says, putting up his hand for a high five. I flinch heavily, getting my arms up to my stomach level before it registers in my brain that it's just a high five. My whole body goes hot. Everybody just saw that... I try to play it off by returning the high five.

"Au contraire, maybe all the practice is what caused me to win," I return with a playful tone as to mask the fact that I flinched at a high five. I don't really feel like explaining to the class that I was abused. Surprisingly not in the mood for that.

"What happened to your arms?" He asks upon noticing them. Oh right, I have to explain.

"The guy I was fighting in the final was the same guy I fought in the final last year and he was out to get me, so he pushed me and I slid on the gymnasium floor. I'm alright, they don't sting that bad," I explain in short. They all look a little surprised and a few nod their heads. Yep. Just another day in the life.

"Parker do you think you could lead warm ups?" Sam asks to just me, "I know my dad told us to do it together, but... there's something Robby and I need to... discuss."

"Uhh... yeah, just... yeah, I got it," I say. I have a sneaking suspicion that their 'discussion' will somehow involve making out. Just a hunch. I get it, they want alone time, but during practice? Come on.

"You're amazing," she says, and with that, the two of them head back into the dojo.

"What are they doing?" Demetri asks. To add to the list of things I don't particularly feel like explaining, I don't really feel like explaining that my two best friends are ditching warmups to, most likely, have a make-out session.

"Planning out our strategy for potential nuclear warfare. I'll lead warmups today, so take your spots," I say. They fall in to various spots in front of me. I've noticed they're relatively routine in the spots they choose, which is nice for me, because I also like to stand in the same spot.

I lead them through a series of exercises, though nothing extensive. Just fifteen push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and jumping jacks, ten stretch kicks on each leg, ten front kicks on each leg, and holding various stretches for ten seconds each while making sure they breathe deeply to help center them. Okay, where are they? I thought I was being very generous in regards to time.

"Is everything okay? Shouldn't they be back by now?" Someone asks. I don't know what to say... help.. why would they put me in this situation? I don't-what am I supposed to- I need help.

"I- I-" I struggle to find words, but something catches my eye, snatching away any focus that was gonna go to them anyway. What- wait... I bend down to get a closer look. No way...

"What is it?"

"It's Mr Miyagi's Medal of Honor..." I respond. It was just... sitting here.. we looked everywhere for this. I'm sure we would've seen it. That's... weird.

"Hey guys, come check this out!" Demetri calls. Thank goodness. I'm a little flabbergasted right now. Robby and Sam come walking out.

"Look what Parker found,"

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now