2- Firsts

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I don't particularly like sitting alone at lunch. It sucks and it makes me feel like a loser. I mean, I am a loser. I feel like I fall right in the middle of the loser scale. I'm not a weird loser who's a loser for a reason, but I don't have other loser friends. I simply: exist, here, and I don't know how to feel about it. I don't dislike it here. It's better than being at my house, but I hate being practically invisible unless someone wants to bully me or needs homework answers... or wants to bully me for homework answers. I'm bad at making friends... I never know what to say. I make a terrible friend anyway...

"Hey," someone says, "mind if I sit here?"

Who could possibly want to sit with me? I look up. Oh, it's Mr LaRusso's daughter. Never expected her to be the one to come and ask to sit with me, if I'm being honest with myself. I never expected anyone to ask to sit with me though. I usually just watch people and study different facial expressions.

"Uh yeah sure!" I respond, making sure my voice doesn't come across as rude or anything.

"It's Parker, right? I think we have English and science together," she says. Yeah, I sit behind her while she and Miguel Diaz flirt all hour.

"Yep, that's me. Samantha LaRusso, right?" I ask, just to double check. I listen to roll call everyday, I should know just fine.

"You can just call me Sam," she says. I figured about as much.

"Well it's nice to formally meet you, Sam. I work for your dad. I've heard a lot about you,"

"Really? Oh god, please tell me he hasn't said anything embarrassing,"

"Nope, only good things," I say, laughing. She laughs too, looking relieved. Thank goodness.

"That's a relief. Would you happen to know the answer to number seven on today's science assignment?" she asks.

I happily tell her. Least I could do for someone who willingly decided to sit with me... unless she only came over here for the answers to the homework.. in which case she would be just like everyone else.

"I was stuck on that one all hour! Where have you been all this time?" She says jokingly. I laugh.

"Right behind you, watching you and Miguel Diaz flirt all hour,"

"We were not!"

"Ehh I beg to differ,"

"Okay, maybe were, but just a little bit!"

"Whatever you say LaRusso,"

"I'm glad we met, Parker," Samatha says, smiling, "and Miguel and I were totally not flirting all hour."


I pull into the driveway. This is the address he gave me... I pray it's actually correct. If it wasn't, I think I would cry. Handling confrontation is not a strong suit of mine.

I wore some leggings and a cropped t-shirt. I'm not really used to training in anything but my dobok (training uniform for Korean martial arts), and even contemplated wearing it, but I decided against it. I don't really want Mr LaRusso to know I do tae kwon do, let alone let him know my rank. I don't know, I feel like he wouldn't train me if he knew, and that's the last thing I want. It's not that big of a deal anyway.

This is a really nice house. I could only dream of living here. My house is two bad storms away from being a trash heap. I finally exit the car, and walk up to the door, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. It's okay, it's just the LaRussos, and I know all of them- except for the son- now. Por el amor de Dios, Reyes, breathe. It's okay. Calm, I am calm. Okay. Okay. I got this. I take a final deep breath, then ring the doorbell. Mrs LaRusso answers the door. I smile.

"Hey Parker, what brings you here?" She asks. Mrs LaRusso has always been nice to me. I appreciate it. It's nice to have a woman to look out for me, after everything that's happened...

"Mr LaRusso is gonna-"

"Let me guess, he roped you into karate?"

"Yeah, how'd you know? Is that a bad thing?"

"No no, of course not. You'll have a lot of fun. And I know because he's asked everyone in this household and the dealership," she says. I laugh a little, relieved.

"Happy to save you from the nagging, ma'am," I reply. I do my best to stay on people's better sides. It's means more allies and they think I'm a joy, so I can get away with a little more, if there was ever anything that I would be needing to get away with, which there may or may not be.

"Hey Parker!" Mr LaRusso says, appearing in the doorway. I wave a little as a greeting.

"You ready?"

"Yes sir,"

"Alright, c'mon, we'll go this way,"

He leads me outside to a back gate, and into a really nice dojo. Woah... this is nice nice... not Mr LaRusso with the Gucci dojo, okay, I see it. My 'home dojo' is just- cómo se dice (how do you say)- the garage. It's quite dusty. The amount of dust I've inhaled in there while training in there is most likely unhealthy.

I slip my shoes off, setting them off to the side with my water and my phone, then take the center of the mat.

"How'd you know to do that?" He asks. Shoot. I guess it's time to lie.

"Saw it in a movie once I guess," I shrug. Well it's not a complete lie. Truthfully, I was always taught to take off my shoes in the house, so unless I'm in a hurry or am explicitly told otherwise, I'm gonna take my shoes off.

"Alright, I guess we should see where you're at first," Mr LaRusso says, holding out his hand, "punch me."

"Are you sure?" I ask. If I lose my job, juro por Dios (I swear to god)-

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry, we're not at the dealership. I won't fire you for doing it wrong," he says. Will you fire me for hurting your hand? I'm slightly offended that he thinks I won't even be able to punch correctly, but nod in an 'okay, if you say so' kind of manner nonetheless.

Breathe... this is just like I've practiced countless times... 3-2-1- strike. I punch him in the hand, making sure to twist into it and keep my face covered, retreating and relaxing just as fast as I struck.

He kinda shakes his hand out, looking shocked but also excited. I think. I spend a lot of time reading expressions, so I think I've got it correct.

"Impressive.." Mr LaRusso says, "and you've never done this before?"

"No sir," I reply, knowing full well that I've thrown a punch thousands of times, "this is my first time."

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