85 - Feliz Cumpleaños

514 20 1

TW- talk of trauma

Our dojos are officially split. It is what it is. Doesn't mean I like it. I just wish there was a way I could fix things. I know it's naive to think there could be anything, but one can wish.

"And... there. How does it look?" I ask Kenny, showing him something I just finished painting.

"Woah! That's so cool! I didn't know you did art too!" he exclaims. I laugh a little at his enthusiasm.

"Gracias. And I don't do too much. I draw roses and dragons and models for science and engineering and that's basically it," I say. It's the one thing that I'm most proud of drawing- the same thing that's tattooed on my upper thigh. I'm glad Eli convinced me to get it. The tattoo artist did such a good job, and it makes me happy whenever I look at it.

"Do you think he'll like it?"

"Oh yeah! He better. Do you think you could draw one for me so I can hang it on my wall?" he asks. Awe... he's too sweet. He wants something that I drew on his wall? I mean, I guess I have something that I drew tattooed on my body, but this is different.

"Yeah, I can do that. Might take me a while though," I say, setting the project aside to dry. I'm in a fairly good mood considering Abuelita got the job at the Spanish Center and I had my first ever therapy appointment this morning. I went with the one who speaks and is Spanish, considering that that's the language I revert to most often when I get really upset, and she probably understands my experience the most. Her name is Dr. Narváez. She's really nice. I thought it was gonna be a horrible experience, and it's not like I revealed the darkest corners of my psyche or anything, and I was still super nervous, but I feel like I'm making steps in the right direction. I called Mrs LaRusso as soon as I got back to my car and she was so proud of me. She had work today, and she still picked up and sounded super genuine. Honestly, that was the best part of it all. She was so happy for me.. it was nice.

"Awesome," he says, drawing it out as he grins, "do you wanna see what I've been drawing?"

"Of course I do," I say, shifting to be by his side. It's a drawing- anime style, depicting three people, all of whom I recognize. It's a really good drawing. He's good at this style, and it's absolutely adorable.

"That's me, and that one is you, and this one is Robby," Kenny says, pointing to each one. Dios mío, this is adorable! I love it.

"I drew you and Robby standing next to each other. You guys are making a heart with your hands, see? And your other hand is doing that little motion you always do. Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding?! I love it! And he's gonna love it too," I say. He got my little hand motion and everything. The attention to detail is immaculate. His grin widens.

"Thanks. I hope he does," he says. I think he will. Considering Robby kept all of my letters, even the ones where I just ramble for an entire piece of paper, I think he'll like this just as much as I do. I smile back at him.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now