107 - What's Your Move?

436 17 5

TW- injury, trauma, self destructive behavior, MC in an awful mental position (again)

Mr LaRusso and I talked, like we planned. But when I showed up at the LaRusso house, I found no Mrs LaRusso. No Sam. No Anthony. When I rang the doorbell, nobody answered. Then Mr LaRusso called to tell me I shouldn't go in. Something sounded off, and the fact he wasn't coming to the door was weird, so I bypassed security and went in anyway. That's when I found the empty house. And then I found Mr LaRusso. It was in that moment I understood what it was like to be on the opposite side when I would show up places after having gotten into fights.

"Parker... I told you you shouldn't've come in..."

"Who hurt you?"

He wouldn't tell me. It was no use trying to pry it out of him, and I didn't want to press too hard anyway. I told Mr LaRusso about everything that's happened since we last talked- well, almost everything... I left out some of the more upsetting stuff because it seemed like he already had enough to worry about. I didn't have it in me to tell him everything about the custody stuff, or the details of what Silver said to me. I did tell him that I went by the dojo, though, and that Silver talked to me. That seemed to really rattle him, so I switched the subject and helped him with the injuries. Got him some ice for his arm and eye and ribs. Bandaged his hands. Made him drink water. Almost a year ago, he looked after me when my dad hurt me. It was my turn to be there for him. I eventually had to go, but he swore that Mrs LaRusso would be home within the hour. I left him with some of the cookies I had made the day before.

The whole situation was rattling. Obviously I know Mr LaRusso is just as human as the rest of us, but... I don't know. Seeing him hurt like that... it makes me wonder who hurt him... although I'm starting to have a horrible suspicion as to who...

It's been a few days since I saw him. He hasn't come into work. I've been getting updates through Mrs LaRusso. She said he's doing better physically, but still mostly stays in bed or on the couch, and seems to not be doing great mentally. If there's anything I understand, it's that.

"Kata! You and I are on babysitting duty, let's go," Cameron says pretty much the moment I walk into the door. What is he talking about?


"The masters and instructors are having a meeting about the All Valley and other stuff, so you and I are leading class tonight. Lucky us," he explains. Ohhh, I see.

"Alright. Just don't swear in front of a group of six year olds- again- and we should be good," I tease lovingly in response, walking from the lobby to the main floor, where the cubbies are, so I can put my things away.

"Listen you little shit, that only happened one time-"


"Okay, how about a challenge?" I extend to the class of green through purple belts. I'm met with enthusiasm, which is a good sign. "We're gonna keep training, like usual, but whoever keeps their hands up the entire time, wins- and yes you can drop them to shake your hands out while we're switching drills, but that's it. Getting hit in the face sucks, and so does getting hit in the arms, but would you rather have a broken face or a broken arm?"

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