101 - This Taught Me Love

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"Parker... I messed up... and I'm so sorry..."

I look over at Miguel, a little confused. I'm just trying to get to my car so I can go to work..? His tone seems sincere... and I know he's been trying to apologize... and I feel like I should apologize too because I feel bad that I yelled at him... but still... I feel like he wants something.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"What do you mean? I'm just apologizi-"


"Okay, okay, I just- Sam seems mad at me and I don't know what to do and you know her well so I thought you'd know what to do," he says. Ay de mí... I sigh. I know he was gonna apologize anyway, but this just kinda seems like he's apologizing so he can move on to what he needs me for.

"I- just- I have work... I can talk later if you really need someone... but Mig... things aren't va bene between us... and I know part of that is my fault, but still..." I say, shaking my head a little, "I'll be back later tonight. Just let me know what you want from me."

With that, I continue to my car, feeling a little guilty at my wording. Just let me know what you want from me... I didn't mean for it to come out so harshly. I didn't mean to paint him in a bad light or make him feel bad, I just- I don't know. I've been out of it since the tournament. At least Robby is back now and I won't be alone as I figure out what to do regarding my father.

I wonder what's going on with Sam though... she sent me a text this morning asking me to hangout and I had to respond saying I couldn't because of work. She said she could ask her mom to give me the day off, but I told her in response that I need the money, which seemed to get her to understand a little better. And they're letting me work with the mechanics today, which I've been looking forward to. It's kind of like a lifeline right now. I love fixing things. I love when I make things work... and I wish it was easier to translate making cars and lights work to making relationships with people work...


Robby POV

I feel like a parent stalking their child as they go to school as I watch Park head to her car so she can leave for work. God, I love her. She said she was feeling better than before, which is good. Luckily, her shift doesn't start until ten, which means I could make her sleep in.

It's either really hard or really easy. It was really hard last summer when we were staying with the LaRussos, because she had a habit of liking to get to the dojo before everyone else, but then she would also stay up late either talking to me or otherwise doing something else, so she would never get a solid amount of sleep. I tried to bribe her once by saying that Mr LaRusso and I would make her a nice breakfast in the morning, but she just thanked me for the sentiment and said that she didn't eat much in the mornings before training. I told her to wait once and I'd give her a hug when I woke up, but she just left a sweet note and then made it up later. The only times I could get her to sleep in a little were when she would fall asleep while we were talking and I'd gently have to move her so she would be in a position that wouldn't kill her back. She would apologize so many times for falling asleep but I never minded. It meant that she wouldn't be half-dead by the end of the day. Now it's easy because I can just hold my arms around her and use her politeness against her. I know she won't want to get up if she thinks I'm still asleep, so I'll kinda gently pull her closer to me. She'll sigh like she's bothered that she can't get up, but then she'll snuggle against my chest and her breathing goes back to being like it is when she's asleep. It's perfect.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now