49- First Day Back Round Two

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"Tener cuidado (be careful)," Abuelita says as I move towards the door, "hazlo bien en tus clases y por favor no tengas más peleas (do well in your classes and please don't have any more fights)."

"I'll try my best, Abuelita, but if someone's trying to hurt me or my friends..." I trail off. It's entirely possible... it's our first day back and with Miguel still out... tensions are higher than ever...

"Entonces pateas sus traseros (then you kick their ass)," she says. I can't help but grin. I love her.

"Will do," I say, opening the door, "I'll see you after school!"

With that, I walk down to my car, and drive to the place that I've been dreading going back to for two weeks....

My whole body shakes as I leave the bag check and look around the school. All I can see are the places where I fought. The trophy case where I fought Hawk, the landing where I helped Robby, the stairs where Tory cut me with her bracelet, the pillar that Miguel kicked me into, the railing he fell over...

"Hey Parker!" someone says out of nowhere. I jump, instinctually jumping into a guarding position. Oh... it's just Demetri...

"Sorry..." I mutter, then start to walk past to get to my home room. Normally I would be here early for show choir, but I've been suspended from it for an extra week... my performance in the group and behavior in the weeks to come will determine my position in the choir.... so I have to be good.

"Wait up!" he calls after me. I slow my pace a little and he catches up with me. I believe I have racked up around 13 missed calls from him since the party... I feel bad about it, but I'm not really sure what to say...

"I'm uh.. I'm really sorry about what I said at the party. I didn't mean to make you upset or anything, but I realize that when I was trying to get back at Hawk for spilling beer on my head, I kind of called you out in front of all those people... I'm sorry Parker," he says. My muscles and face relax a little bit.

"Thank you for apologizing. I'm sorry I made it so hard for you to do so. I guess I'm kinda glad I know now. Just don't go calling me out at huge parties anymore," I return. A smile starts to sweep across his face.

"Don't worry, I won't," he says, "and uh... thanks for helping me out with Hawk even after what I did."

"I'll always have my friend's backs, even if I do want to slap them sometimes," I say. His smile widens. Oh good. I don't like people thinking they can get away with wronging me, but I don't like being mad at my friends, especially if it means losing the few that I have.

"This is my class... I'll uh.. I'll see you at lunch?" I ask. I don't know who else to sit with, and I don't feel like being heckled by Cobra Kai kids.

"I'll see you at the loser table," he replies. I roll my eyes with a smile, then both of head off into our respective hells.


Daniel POV

I don't know where Robby could be... it's like Parker said, he's smart. He wouldn't just check into a hospital or a shelter or something like that, but I know it doesn't hurt to check. I just wish I hadn't been so hard on him the last time I saw him.. I feel awful.

"Hey Boss, Mrs Boss, I got something in my office that you should check out," Louie says, "and don't worry, it's not porno this time."

Jesus Christ. Well now I'm worried. Amanda and I exchange a glance then follow after him. I don't think I've ever been more afraid to walk into an office in my life.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now