62- Love, Park

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Robby POV

"Robby Keene," a guard says, walking into the bunk room. This has become routine. I thank him- just to add that little something to try and stay in his good graces so I can get out of here as soon as possible- then take the letter and sit back down on my bed, almost vibrating with excitement. Hearing from Park never gets old, and I've been especially excited ever since our phone call. I'm still not over it. Her voice replays in my head every night. The sweet sound of her laughter is the only thing that gets me through being in here sometimes... and the thought of getting out and seeing Sam and everyone else obviously, that too. I unfold the letter, settling in on the mattress to read it.

Dear Robby (Pretty Boy),

And by that I mean 'pretty ugly'.

Sorry about that, I wrote that when I was in a mood, you're quite good looking (don't let it get to your head though). I am now out of that mood (for the time being). In all honesty, I probably should've scrapped this letter and started a new one, but now I'm remembering that you called me stupid so I'm leaving it, you can deal :). Besides, what is a good friendship without a little banter?

I had dinner with the LaRussos the other night and before you make that face that you make when someone brings up something you don't like (probably too late, I know your expression is already shifting), I just want you to know that they're all worried about you (besides maybe Anthony, but he also made a potentially suggestive comment about me, so I don't really care about his opinion). Sam can't wait to see you. They were all happy to hear that you were okay. I didn't tell them about the whole... you getting beat up thing... I didn't want Mr LaRusso to go all... Mr LaRusso and try to call the detention center and meddle, as he does.

I officially dropped taking piano lessons... it was really sad... I've been playing the piano since second grade, and I had the coolest piano teacher. He understood though. Now that I don't have to pay for lessons, it'll mean I have more time and more money, so even if I'm not trying to squish in another job, I'll at least have a little money, and if nothing else, time for me (free time? Who is she).

You wanna know something that happened that made my blood literally boil?? You remember that Kreese guy I told you about right? Cobra Kai's awful other sensei? Yeah, first of all, your dad doesn't even teach at Cobra Kai anymore, so there's that, but that means Kreese can put whatever he wants to in those kid's heads. Anyway, that's not exactly what I wanted to say. He tried to recruit me. For Cobra Kai. I was working at my tae kwon do school at the front desk and he came in so naturally I was all like 'what are you doing here?' and this man had the audacity to say 'it's a free country sweetheart'. He said that! To my face. It was gross, anyway, then he started saying shit about how I 'possessed a certain strength and skill that he was looking for' and how his current students don't have it which screamed manipulation to me. I told him I didn't give a shit about what he was looking for and then he said stuff about how Miyagi-Do and the other students there just drag me down and hold me back and that at Cobra Kai, I would finally get the respect I deserve for my talent, which is rich considering the things they've done to me. He said that Mr LaRusso is using me like a park when I have the capabilities of a queen... But he also said that Cobra Kai and the All Valley needed a new champion and that maybe... it could be me... I told him I'd never join him, but still... isn't it scary? The lengths he'll go to to win? In trying to recruit me, two clear messages were sent (in my opinion, at least) : 1- he's scared. I pose a big enough threat to him and to Cobra Kai that he would rather at least attempt to bring me on his team than have me stay against it. 2- he's crazy. Me? For Cobra Kai? With the students in there? Someone would end up getting killed. I don't know, it's crazy.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now