112 - Denouncing

367 15 1

TW- talk of trauma

Holy shit! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Santo cielo! Cavolo! We're getting a chance at competing in the Sekai Taikai! Holy shit!

The Sekai Taikai is technically a karate tournament, but taekwondo and kung fu schools slip in there all the time, as long as they're really good. It's the biggest martial arts tournament in the world! Mr Abelardo has a poster for it in his office. He competed in it when he was in his twenties, and won. He doesn't talk about it very often because he's humble, and because I'm pretty sure he got hurt pretty badly, but those of us who have been at the school as long as I have know about it. Cameron has been begging Mr Abelardo to try and get us in for years, but Mr Abelardo has always refused. I think it's because he got injured, and doesn't want any of us to get hurt like he did.

"You look really excited about this," Robby says as we do our warmup stretches. I'm practically bouncing on the balls of my feet.

"It's the Sekai Taikai, babes! It's the biggest karate tournament in the world, but like, really good taekwondo and kung fu schools compete in it every year, so obviously I know what it is. Cameron has been pestering my instructors about trying to let us compete in it since he learned it exists, and now we might get to compete in it," I say enthusiastically, "do you know how potentially amazing this could be?! Only the best of the best compete in that tournament!"

"That's right, Parker. And if we're going to have a shot at competing in it, we're gonna need to train all of you to be the best of the best," Mr LaRusso says, walking up, "I'm surprised you know so much about it."

"Mr LaRusso, I've been doing martial arts since I was eight years old, of course I know what the Sekai Taikai is," I say, "it's like, a legend at my dojang. It's the kind of thing we whisper about every so often and then Mr Abelardo will quiet us down and tell us it's never gonna happen. Santo cielo, I can't believe we have a chance to compete!"

Mr LaRusso smiles at me. Listen, I'm really excited okay.

"This will be the thing that could end Cobra Kai once and for all, so we really want to show all of you up to the representatives," he says, "would you two be up to doing the Miyagi Family Kata on the balance board, just like old times?"

It's been a while since we got up on the balance board and did kata... but there's nothing I'd rather do more, and no one else I'd rather do it with. But there were three of us when we used to do it...

"I'd love to," I say, "but what about Sam? She was almost always with us when we did it."

"I already asked her. She said something about wanting to do something more solo. Also joked about not wanting to get soaked again. Anyway, if you two are in, I know you guys make a great pair, and I have no doubt that it would impress the representatives," Mr LaRusso says. Huh... strange... I mean I guess I get wanting your own time to shine, but she seemed so happy to have all three of us back together again the other day. I figured she would've been excited to get back on the balance board, just like we used to.

"That's okay. Parker and I can handle it just the two of us," Robby says. Mr LaRusso gives each of us a pat on the shoulder.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now