16- Happy Birthday...

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TW: Abuse

My heart seems to be the only thing moving in my body, beating way too fast. I don't dare move. I don't dare breathe. I can't.

"Answer me!" He yells, slamming his hand on the end table. I take a step back out of instinct. My chest heaves.

"I just did it to get better at tae kwon do!" I say back, trying to keep my voice steady. I glance at the front door, planning an escape. I should've just gone through the window...

"Then why were you the second place karate champion?!" He says, starting towards me. No... no...

"I just wanted to prove I was good! My friend convinced me to compete!" I say back, not saying any names on purpose. I'm not roping Robby into this. I could never do that to him.

"You don't have friends!" He shouts, "you've always been a loser."

Tears form in my eyes. What happened to 'I'm lucky to have you, mija'? I grip my keys tighter in my hand as he gets closer.

"You been draining my money bitch?!" He exclaims.

"No! Mr LaRusso has taught me everything for free! I-"

"You're gonna quit your job at that stupid damn auto dealership! You spend more time with that man than you do with your own fucking father!"

No! I'm not giving up the best thing in my life right now for him!

"Por Dios, Mr LaRusso has been better to me than you ever have!" I blurt out without thinking. His expression shifts from angry to furious right before my eyes. Tears threaten to fall out of my eyes at any second. I can't tell whether I'm shaking or not. My heart pounds in my ears. What have I done? He takes the final few steps towards me, seething. And before I can raise my guard.

Or step away.

Or think for one moment that it might not happen.

He hits me. Right across the face. Hard. I stumble, shocked and terrified. I sidekick him out of pure instinct and make a break for the front door. He grabs me, tossing me the other way, causing me to slam into the wall as he blocks the door. No! No no no! This isn't happening this isn't happening! 'I'm lucky to have you, mija'... Tears pour down my face. I use the momentum to make a break for my room. He follows in pursuit.

I slip in through the door, locking it behind me, but I can hear him closing in on me. Before I can barricade the door, he's at it, trying to knock it down. The window... I dash over to it, trying to open it, stepping on... dirt? In the process. No... he smashed my bonsai tree... the window doesn't budge... he's sealed it shut! My stomach drops as I hear the sound of the lock giving way. I don't register any other noise. In my fury of thoughts, one tears across all the others and I draw my leg back and side kick the window.

Glass slices up both my legs and nicks my arms as I climb through the window as fast I can, swiping up the remains of my bonsai tree as I go. I don't look back as I open the gate and run to my car. I can heart my dad calling and running after me as I run. He comes to a stop just in front of my car as I open the door to get in and drive away as fast as possible. Both of us breathe heavily. I shake from head to toe.

"Parker... mija..." he says, tears in his eyes and his voice. We make direct eye contact and I stare for a moment longer, heart seeming to shatter just like my window after I kicked it. Not leaving him any more time to get me, I fly into the car, putting the bonsai in the passenger without caring that it's getting dirt all over my car and jamming in the key as fast as I possibly can. I pull out as fast as I can, taking off as fast as the law will allow me.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now