113 - Adapt

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Mr Abelardo worked with me for about an hour after classes ended, making sure my kata and miscellaneous techniques were perfect. Every movement of my kata, he nitpicked. Every stance, every hand and arm position... it's perfect. Then he asked me what specific lessons I've been taught. I told him about wax-on, wax-off and all of the others, the tree, the balance board, the blindfold lesson, the roof, the tornado kick, the fighting on your knees lesson, and the fighting with one arm. I left out the one about getting in your opponent's head, because it's a Cobra Kai lesson that I didn't want to dive into. He told me that, if at all possible, I should try and work some of those lessons into the presentation. I know Mr LaRusso plans to talk about the chores, and he already has Robby and I on the balance board, so it seems like we'll be doing a pretty good job of working in the lessons we've learned.

I was so tempted to wear my dragon dobok, as it gives me confidence that I usually don't have, but we're just wearing our regular training clothes. At least it gives me the opportunity to wear a cute tank top.

"You're here early," Mr LaRusso says, sitting down next to me where I sit by the edge of the koi pond, Robby passed out with his head in my lap. In his defense, I did get us here earlier than usual. I just needed time to be in the space before everyone else got here, and decided to sit here by the little pond. It's the most peaceful place in the whole yard. I like watching the fish just swim around, not a care in the world. Just blissfully unaware of the chaos that surrounds them just above the surface of the water. Sometimes I wish I could be one of those fish, where my greatest concern is some karate student splashing around every so often.

"I'm always here early," I say, still watching the fish as I gently run my fingers through Robby's hair. I wish I could fall asleep as quick as he can. He and Miguel both, I've noticed, can fall asleep incredibly fast. If my 'superpower' is reading other people, then their's is falling asleep quickly. And also not waking up easily like I do.

"I know. But today you're here early, even for you. 'Early' to us is just 'on time' to you. So you're Parker Early right now, which means that something is wrong," he says, "I see one of you isn't quite used to running on Parker Time."

I laugh lightly. I don't expect anyone but me to run on Parker Time. I think that would be like some form of torture. Hence why I always tell Robby that he doesn't have to come with me to practice early, or stay up for me to come back home so he can hug and kiss me goodnight. He does both anyway. I love him.

"I'm just... nervous about the presentation. I really want it to go well, because I really wanna compete in the Sekai Taikai, and I really don't want Cobra Kai to get the chance to... but if we get in, I know how dangerous the tournament can be..." I say.

"It definitely is a lot bigger than the All Valley. But what do you mean?" Mr LaRusso asks out of curiosity.

"Mr Abelardo competed in it back when he was younger, which is how I know about it," I say, "he won. But his opponent also paralyzed him from the waist down. I looked it up when I got home last night. It's all true..."

"Parker... if we get in, I will do everything in my power to make sure that you don't get hurt like that. We all will," he says, "and I didn't realize your taekwondo teacher did karate."

"Oh he doesn't, he made that very clear," I say, laughing a little, "but he likes to at least watch and study other styles. Besides, taekwondo and kung fu schools manage to slip into the Sekai Taikai all the time, it happens every year. He went to school with you and Mr Lawrence, you know. Watched you guys fight in the All Valley and everything."

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now