115 - The Queen's Gambit

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My stomach twists and turns like a pit of snakes as we all walk into the flagship Cobra Kai dojo as a group. As of now, we're all uniform, whether that be in Miyagi-Do white or Eagle Fang red. I wear my white Miyagi-Do gi, my third degree black belt tied securely around my waist. I have a plan. Two can play at the 'get in your opponent'a head' game. This is the first time I've been to a Cobra Kai dojo since I ended up in the hospital... this will make the first time I've seen Silver since I broke the stone... I take a deep, steadying breath to try and ease the storm that is my turning stomach and facing heart. It doesn't do much. Today will truly be a test of how well I can put up a facade...

As we walk in, I don't have the same reaction of awe as my peers do. I've been here before. I've been given the grand tour by Silver himself- with enlightening side commentary by Kenny. I'm more concerned with the people in the dojo, rather than the building itself. As if the condition of my stomach wasn't horrendous enough, it only worsens as I spot Silver. I have to straighten my posture just to remain steady and not wobble as we walk. I feel Robby's hand at the small of my back. Surprisingly, it actually brings me comfort, and I relax a little. Breathe, Reyes... stay in control of your breathing...

The Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fangs fall in on our side, and I start off by taking black belt position, but end up crossing my arms in front my chest as I try to appear nonchalant. Then we make eye contact.


We haven't spoken or seen each other since the waterpark... and even then, it wasn't really all sunshine and rainbows. Yet as we look at each other, there's no cold expressions from either end. No glares or scowls or smirks. She looks... nervous... but also maybe a little sad... tired... longing... whatever it is, it's not malicious. All I know is that my expression isn't hardened like it usually would be when dealing with Cobra Kai. It's just... me... with maybe a twinge of nervousness, sadness for the friendship we lost, and sympathy for whatever is making her expression appear the way it does.

"Are you okay babe?" Robby asks gently in my ear. I break the eye contact with Tory, looking over at him and his soft, concerned face.

"If I say I'm fine, you'll call me out and say I'm lying, and you'd be right," I say, "but right now, I think it's best if we just pretend that I am. If I get super nervous, I'll just think of you and all my troubles will melt away."

His expression melts into a grin.

"Your left side profile always cheers me up," he says, then leans in close, "and the image of you in the shower last night isn't bad either."

"Robert Swayze Keene," I say, tone pointed as I lightly smack him in the arm. His grin only widens.

"Would you rather I say it's not?"

"Okay listen-"

"And are you not trying to pretend that you're not smiling?"

"Okay, okay, you win," I say, relaxing into a grin before leaning in to say something back, "and I could say the exact same about the image of you."

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now