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" officer mark, did you go through this file "
A voice heard from the stairs of the resting lounge.
Mark , who was having a cup of noodles peacefully flinched from the voice.

" shit. Stop scaring me P' joong....and yeah I did. Couldn't find anything  suspicious. " mark said while placing his noodles cup on the table.

" hm. Make sure to collect footage by A91 road too. And we are on duty. So its sir or boss for you " joong said before walk away.

Mark rolled his eyes while pouting a little.


" good morning prom...." fourth said entering his best friend's office.
He can see his best friend his lost in his own world. A smirk crept in his face. He looked at two cups of ice americanos he is holding. Fourth tiptoed towards his best friend and place both cups on his friend's cheeks.

" heyyyy. " a siren like shout came from prom. He almost kicked fourth.

" oh.oh....hey there calm down" fourth tried to calm down his friend who is ready to throw shoes towards him

" how the hell am I suppose to calm down. Its damn cold. Im still having chills " prom said with a death glare.
Oh yeah. That was the final call. Fourth chuckled nervously.

" now you are gonna pay for it baby " prom said while standing up.

" hey hey. Im sorry. Im sorry " fourth yelled and kept ice americano cups on the table before opening the door and running away.

" not today fourth. Not today " prom yelled back and chased fourth

They were running around the whole 2nd floor of the headquarters, forgetting their boss , the supervisor director of their agency is already arrived there.

Fourth bumped into someone. He can clearly see the neatly buttoned up outfit. And the badge that is hanging from that person's around left side of the side pocket on his shirt.

"A familiar badge. Yeah. No....don't tell me........" fourth mumbled to himself

" for the last time Im saying....Stop running around like kids...Both of you Prom and Fourth go back to your offices. Now.!!!! "
Joong shouted making both prom and fourth flinch.

They both ran away from their dangerous boss to save themselves.

A small chuckle left from joong's mouth. He shook his head in disbelief.
Prom and Fourth are the youngers in their headquarters. By the young age of 23 they already got into the headquarters of FBI - CCRS brach ( FBI- Criminal , Cyber  Response and Survives Thailand head brach ).

Which is not a joke. He knows in this field they can't just fool around and have fun. Its a serious job. Not an easy one. A dangerous job but can save lot of lives.
That's why he always strict with youngsters of their team. He knows that they are still young. Just started their youth. Which may trigger the desires to explore new things.
He knows they are playful but work is work. They have to be serious during duty hours. If they don't they won't have a future in this filed. They will instantly kicked out from this job which they worked hard to get.........

Joong walked towards the next office room. Where his two best friends are in. Pond and Phuwin. They are in a relationship. But even they are in a relationship they never let their affair to distract their job. Which is why joong trust them both the most. Three of them were in the same university. Took FBI test and exams together. And passed through them all together. Got in to the same headquarters together. And now still working together. They were best friends almost for 11 years. It was joong who helped pond to win over phuwin.........

He saw both of them were sitting on their respective seats while concentrating on the files they are going through
He slowly closed the door without disturbing them.

After making sure everyone was arrived he went to his office. Today the head director of the every branch which means the head of the entire FBI will arrive there for a urgent meeting. To be honest joon was nervous. He knows what does this means


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