
383 31 14

1.15 p.m

Gemini tried his best to act normal when he entered to the kitchen area with a small note in his hand. This kind of works are not unfamiliar to him. But for some reason he is slightly nervous , trying his best to not to make the smallest mistake that can possibly happen .

He walked towards a guy who was wearing a big white chef hat, and talked

" excuse me sir, room no. 44 C made an order "
He handed the note said
' cheese cream chicken lasagna , with a lemon smoothie '

Chef narrowed his eyebrow and said.
" didn't they order another meal like 10 minutes ago ? "
Gemini blinked few times

" yh. Add these to it as well... " he said while nodding



' excuse me.... is that for suite no.44 c? " an co worker stopped gemini who was pushing the meal trolley towards his target's room.

The co worker walked infront of the trolley and picked the card which said the exact no the latter mentioned.

He quickly gave a small smile to gemini before asking
" can you do a favor ? Can you hand this to them ? " co worker asked while handing an average size box.
Gemini gave a curt nod and bend down to place the box in the below locker of the trolley.

Gemini grab the handle to continue his mission but again stopped by the same person which made him let out a frustrated sigh

" and don't open it " co worker walked away saying that, which increase the curiosity of gemini.


" did you call the boss ? " A man in his mid 40s , wearing a pair of spectacle asked in a tight firm tone.

" we can't connect him sir " a man who was wearing a suit said. As soon as those words came out , the latter man grab the shivering

" stop giving me excuses. Lend this message to him by 3. Or else you'll see what I can do "

Right then another person walked through the already opened door.

" sir William, this is the file you asked for "
It was Winny or Satang's boyfriend. As he is such a trustworthy person to William , its a plus point to dunk's side.

William is a man in his 40s. He had been working with the founder of lot of companies , the one who leads the underground illegal deeds such as drug dealing , loan sharking , human trafficking and many more. None other than fourth's biological father and dunk's step father,
Mr. Shewan.

William is mr.shewan's right hand , his loyal dog . William will not hesitate to sacrifice his own life for his boss, thats how loyal he was. By other side Mr. Shewan trusts William like no one else, because he knows William is one of person who is really on his side.

" did you check on what I asked ? " william calmly asked while flipping the pages of the file he was holding. Winny nodded.

" yes sir.... I have few places I suspect about his hideout , I just need few days "

" 5 days .... will that do ? " william asked making winny silent for a minute.
William patted Winny's back and said

" 5 days then, I know you won't disappoint me " with that he left leaving winny who's mind is about blow off.

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