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" everyone listen carefully..... The head director of FBI will visit us the main team of FBI CCRS you all have to present there at the meeting. " joong said to his fellow team mates who were seated in the meeting room.

" is there any problem boss? " pond askesd after recognising that joong is little bit worried and uncomfortable

" Im afraid yes. Probably he will assign us with a new mission, according my suspects " joong said.

" but we just finished one mission last week. " prom said with a horror face.

" its too early for a new mission " fourth said too making jong sigh.
These two are the main problem. Convincing them is the hardest thing to do.
Joong can agree with the fact they finished a tough mission just one week ago. It took them to 6 months to finish their tast. So yeah ... it was  pretty tough

" I know that. Thats the problem here. I know you guys might not mentally and physically ready to take another mission. But as the national CCRS  , if he assign us , then we have to do it. Its something matters about national safety. " joong said.

" yeah I agree. More we wait. More get hurt. Its our job. So lets do it people " phuwin said trying to lift the mood.

" yeah. No problem with me " mark said.

" fine for us too " pond said while throwing his left hand around phuwin. Phuwin smiled and nodded.

Joong along with other three averted their glances towards the two youngers. Prom and Fourth

Prom sigh
" stop making us look like irresponsible kids. Im in " he said making joong smile.

" and about you buddy ? " pond asked with hope.

" do I have a choice. Im in too " fourth slumped on the head rest with a small pout.

" aww dear don't worry. After this we will get a loooooong vacation " phuwin said while patting fourth's head.

Then a knock heard from the outside. Joong said a ' come in '.

" sir, the head director is here " the person who came in said and bowed.
Joong nodded and looked at his team with hopeful eyes.

" so guys. Are you ready? " joong said while offering his right hand. One by one placed their hands on top of one's hands. Six hands were places one on another showing their tight kit of trust , and love.

" lets do this . Fighting " everyone nodded. And said ' fighting '. Everyone has a smile adoring their faces. No matter how hard it will get they will make it. For sure.


Later at the meeting hall with head director

" good morning everyone " a middle aged man with pleasant aura said to everyone presented there.
Everyone stood up and greeted back.
Joong along with his five team mates are seated on the right side of the table.

Joong along with his five team mates are seated on the right side of the table

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