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( Italic and underlined text will be the person that they are in contact with )


" clear here. Prom get inside " joong said and closed the door after pushing the younger inside of the ceo cabin.

" ouch. That hurts " prom said with a pout rubbing his shoulder. He grabbed his backpack that he was holding , hanged the backpack by an one strap

" ok...lets get into this " prom said to himself and took his phone out. He checked the hand drawn map that was drawn by mark which shows direction of ceo cabin secret chamber.

" this is insane. A kindergarten could've done better " prom said to himself ,trying figure out the messy directions , which drawn by his teammate.

He raised his wrist till his lips and said.

" its me. Prom...p'mark can you here me " prom said.

' mark over here. Yh can here you '

" can you tell me what did you draw here. Its sucks.... and what is this big round circle drawn in the middle of the paper " prom said with a annoying tone.

idiot .. its the chandelier. Look above and try to find that chandelier first.  '

" oh...wait a sec.....a chandelier...found it..now ? "
Prom said standing right below the chandelier. He keep staring at the chandelier while talking with mark

' ok..now face the wall , where has a big picture of, aah. I don't what was that....whatever...is there a big picture . '
Mark asked
Prom looked looked around trying to find a picture.

" a naked woman... "
Prom said in a serious tone.

'Huh? '

" its a picture of a naked woman " prom confirmed in a serious tone, making mark face palmed by the otherside

' idiot. Checkout around. Take a closer look there -"

Mark couldn't complete the sentence as he got interrupted by prom again.

" as I can see, I guess the woman is an egyptian. But I can garantee that she is naked " prom stated seriously

" what the hell prom. I didn't mean the picture. There will be some kind of handle below the frame...can you find it ?

Prom walked towards the picture and said
" sorry maam..Im from FBI...I don't have any bad intentions .my intention is pure as white ....So excuse me "
he said to the picture and bowed before trying to find the handle that mark mentioned.

" prom stop playing. This is not time to play "
Joong said gaining the younger's attention.

" oh.. found it......let me pull this "
And then the picture that was hanging on the wall opened , making space.
But there was a lock with password.

" its locked...."
Prom said via the watch.

" so what ,....you are a hacker. Open it " mark said from the other side.

" oh..yh. im a hacker..." prom said and and opened his bag to get necessary devices.


With gemini and phuwin :- 7.10 p.m.

" come gem. Let's we follow him..." phuwin said to gemini.
The ceo or the Alpha 0.Z1 got a call a while ago. Both brothers kept eye on their main suspect, but they could see the expression change of the ceo after the unknown call.
He walked towards a corner of the hall still talking through the phone.
But then he called some other man and went outside along with that man.

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