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Fast pace steps are running here and there. All the gaurds of the headquarters running towards each floor staircase to keep everyone on their respective places.
Phone calls , earpieces are declaring commands from non other than the director of CCRS, Joong Archen.

" make sure no one leaves the building " joong said while holding the phone near his ear.

He looked at pond who is next to him.
" did you inform others ? " he asked while looking at the digital clock hanging on the wall which shows 15:13.

Pond nodded.
" gemini and ford are on his way to 1st floor. And mark will be here around half an hour. And phuwin will collect kids. " pond said referring prom and fourth as kids.

Joong nodded.

It was 3 p.m.when the head of the security team informed joong about a suspicious person in their building. He was informed that the latter person could be the same person who broke into headquarters few weeks ago.

Joong quickly asked them to seal the entrance and all the exists and to keep all the people remain on each floor they are currently on.

" lets go to the 1st floor. " joong said.

Both rushed towards the 1st floor. He can see the gaurds are all over the floor.
All the employees are standing on a line while one gaurd is checking their identities

" p'pond ....." gemini approached joong and pond . Ford was trailing behind gemini with is same usual equipment, the tablet.

" sir , its him..... " ford handed the tablet to joong. He quickly started to swipe pictures showing on the screen.

There were three pictures from different cctve footages , which made them in three different angles. A man with a mask.

" did you find his bio ? " joong asked

"No sir...but he started to work here two weeks ago. .....the department of cyber security. As an ordinary employer who manages databases. Thats all I know for now " gemini said

Joong nodded.
" is he still there at the cyber department ? " pond asked earning three ' are you serious ? ' looks.

" if he is there why the hell we are running a whole checkout through the entire headquarters ?" joong asked

Pond laughed nervous .
" yh...I know right . Sorry "

Joong walked towards the head of the security team and started to talk about something seriously. Gemini stared at joong attentively.

" sir, this person might be the one who broke into your office that day." ford said to gemini. Gemini nodded with a small smile.

" I hope......"


Meanwhile phuwin was busy looking for fourth. When he checked their office , only prom was there. He too playing a video game, who had zero idea of where is best friend was.

Phuwin sighed and threw a glare at prom who smiled sheepishly
" hey come on.....its not like my job to keep eye on him " prom defended himself.

" yh....and its not your job to waste your time by playing video games either . " phuwin argued back.

" leave my video game out of it......its fourth's fault to disappear as he wishes. I mean he should have at least inform me " prom said

" you sure he didn't tell you " phuwin raised an eyebrow.

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