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Gemini wiped the sweat from the face towel he was holding. He grabbed a mineral water bottle which was placed on the floor.
His eyes were unfocused staring at nowhere. After gulping few sips of water he placed it where it was.

Same day morning, after the kiss happened between him and fourth , he expected them to be awkward again , just like the first time
As soon as he was about to run away, kissing the younger almost for good 15 minutes. But stopped by the younger .

Fourth wasn't happy about kissing him and then ignore him for few days.

And for the elder , well he also thought the same, kissing someone and then ignore the whole exist of  that person doesn't sound cool at all. It made him feel like some kind of a playboy, himself 

But at the same time , he isn't sure what type of relationship he himself is willing to develop with the younger. What made him scare was thinking it was a mere physical attraction. Because he never had experienced the things he did with the younger. Younger being the first one he kissed may have created a different angle for him to view younger.

He knows the younger has the total opposite characteristics compare to his own self. Even they develop a relationship he isn't sure how long he can keep up with that. Since he was a kid , he wanted to be successful in his career. Be independent and stable. Its true just like every human been , corner of his heart there was a hidden dream to get a lover. Someone who is responsible , matured , kind , talented ,specially WRLL MANNERED.

Because he wanted to have a partner.

Not a kid to tame.

And fourth , exactly the latter. If they got into a relationship he will have to keep eye on fourth , 24/7. Because the man is a walking bomb. Who is looking for trouble every single minute.

Fourth is talented for his age for sure, but his lack of understanding the situation surely caused lot of troubles , and misleads.
Just like what happened few days ago.

Expect being adorable and cute , nothing matched with gemini's ideal type.

For now, he will try to avoid physical interactions with the younger. Because one kiss will lead to two,three , four and who knows from where they'll stop.
He doesn't blame fourth for that. He is aware he is quite attractive too. He himself who had a great control, couldn't help but to kiss the younger , so no need to talk about the younger, who barely had self control over himself.

He started to resum his exercises , by turning on the treadmill back , increasing the speed.


Fourth was standing in ,
A familiar place......
A place he forgotten a long ago......

He parked his car about a 2km away from the mansion , and walked by his foot.

Even in the past they used to do that, because no one can know about this place.
To avoid being tracked and as the road that led towards the mansion was too narrow , they used to walk here from about 2km.

While walking through that familiar path, he tried his best to hold his tears, sadness.
The memories of him, dunk and their beloved grandpa, who left them alone in a family they never felt like a family

Fourth used to whine about walking too long. Dunk used to love walking , enjoying the relaxation that the environment is  giving.
So fourth would fake a leg pain and will make the grandpa to carry him.

That was the best feeling.
Hugging his grandpa's neck.  Playing with his white color snow like hair. Time to time giving little pecks on grandpa's cheek, as a token of  gratitude.
Teasing dunk by showing his tongue silently mouthing ,
' you are walking  , Im being carried '.

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